Monday, June 30, 2008
You know you're getting old when...
ii)Your skincare regime used to consist of anti-blemish products, now it comprises of products with names like "Renewer".
iii)You notice wrinkles your first few under-eye wrinkles.
iv)You're not into the latest music, like those Malaysian indie bands, and you've never been to one of the gigs either.
v)You don't see a need for having a group of girlfriends which you can go shopping and gossip with. You would rather be alone.
vi)You see eye-to-eye with your mother. Your tastes in EVERYTHING are similiar to hers. Scary!
I'm glad my close friends are matured as well. Else I don't know what to talk about when we hang out!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Life sucks
I want to be beautiful.
That's right. I wanna have naturally red lips like I used to have when I was little. I want clear,fair complexion, I want shapely eyebrows, I was a nice haircut and I want people notice me for once.
I'm so tired. So tired of being ugly. I think I should become a man. Coz I'm too ugly to be a woman.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Hello I'm back! And I brought home two kiwi birds with me. Hahaha.
Waste no time! Here's the lowdown on my trip:
The flight to Auckland
The security officers didn't even ask whether I brought any liquids on board :) If there's one thing I like about the flight is the food. I think MAS had improved a lot in terms of food. I love the breakfast menu. I had omelette + hash brown + sauteed mushroom + sausage + asparagus. And it's the best omelette, hash brown, sauteed mushroom and sausage I've ever eaten.
Arrived at Auckland International Airport on Saturday morning. Auckland is 4 hours ahead of KL, so there's not much problem adjusting our biological clock. The airport is pretty impressive, it's near the sea. But the ground staff isn't as friendly as those in Heathrow Airport. But whatever. It's a CITY right? People who lives in cities are rude and stuck up. I've lived in a city my whole life.
Transport & Getting Around
Sadly, Auckland has no train. This trip will be so much fun if there's train around the city, like in KL and London. We had to take the bus everywhere. Either bus or walking. Usually we'd walk. My boots were killing me. I swore I was going to dump those boots into the garbage bin once I get back in KL.There's a free bus, it's called City Circuit or something. It goes around town only. It's a hybrid, using gas-electric. It's environmental friendly.The busses are always ON TIME. If on the display it says it's coming in 5 minutes, it really came in 5 minutes.
The hotel
We stayed in City Life Hotel, in Queen Street. It's right in the middle of the city. It's not a five star hotel, but it's OK. Lots of cabin crew stayed there too. We were upgraded to a suite. Approximately RM200 per night for a suite?? Totally worth it. In KL, you'll never find a suite for anything less than RM1000 per night.
It has one bedroom with two single beds, living room, a bathroom, wide screen TV with a sofa bed, and a kitchen. It's so complete, it has an electric stove, dishwasher, kettle, plates and bowls and all the cutleries, washing machine, dryer.
It's hard to find halal food here. We can only eat fries in McDonalds (coz the McD there served bacon) and not all the kebab restaurants are halal. Lots of Malaysian food available, but they served pork as well. So for four days, I've been living on a steady diet of instant noodles and toast. And kiwi fruits. Kiwi fruits are cheap.
Oh, and the food is very expensive too. In Malaysia, I used to think that a bottle of mineral water that cost RM2-RM4 is expensive. But in Auckland, it's even MORE expensive. You can never find a bottle of mineral water lower than $2. Mostly bottled water there cost around $3. That's RM7. I vow I will never complain about expensive mineral water whenever I eat at McD, Manhattan Fish Market or Dome after this.
In Malaysia, u can get a set of kebab+rice+fries+salad+drink just RM12.50 or less, but in Auckland, with the exact same price, you can only get a small portion of rice with bits of chicken and chilli sauce.
There's a Nandos restaurant in Queen Street but I didn't dare to eat there.
Oh, and there's a Cadbury chocolate called "Perky Nana"! Chewy banana coated with chocolate. I hate it.
And they have Cadbury Pinky, chocolate coated caramel and pink marshmallow. I don't like marshmallow, but it's low fat. So I bought it.
One thing I like is Mrs.Higgins cookies. It's like Famous Amos, only better. The cookies are huge and chewy. I love the double chocolate chip cookie. Simply yummy.
It's winter in Auckland, but it's not as cold as in London. In London, I felt like I was going to freeze to death, but in Auckland, I can walk outside wearing t-shirt and a light jacket. It's always raining there, but I don't mind. It's not like Malaysian rain. In Malaysia, it is always a downpour. In Auckland, you don't even need an umbrella.
Auckland isn't a shopping haven. There's not much trendy shops. There's a shopping mall near my hotel, it's called Westfield mall. Sad to say, Ampang Point is better than that. Their Tesco is called "Warehouse" and Tesco is way better. Whenever I'm in the Warehouse, I feel like I'm in the early 90s.
The things there are very, very expensive. I only went to souvenir shops. All the souvenir shop owners were bored of seeing my face, coz I went to their shops many times. My mum bought bracelets almost in every shop. She shopped more than I did. Mostly they sell honey products, kiwi products, and erk..placenta face creams. But the cars there are cheap. But I didn't go to Auckland to buy a car :p
For myself
-Sling bag (I wanted to buy the Wicked Sista makeup bag but it's expensive)
-Lilac scarf (at Victoria Park Market)
-Paua shell purse (it's so small and cute and I love small purses)
-Colourful paua shell bracelet (usually paua shells are blue)
-Necklace with paua shell pendant in the shape of "N"
-Kiwi fruit plush (I don't even like it but my mum insisted that I buy it)
-Small kiwi bird plush (I don't like this either but my mum think it's cute)
-Large kiwi bird plush(It's cute but think twice before buying it, mum said I should buy it, else I will regret once I'm back in Malaysia)
For my friends: Keychains
For Asye
-snow cap
(Waa so miserable la my souvenirs for my bf)
ActivitiesDay 1: walk up and down Queen Street. Window shopping at souvenir shops. Surveyed the price. Didn't buy anything yet. Went home, watched TV.
Day 2:walk up and down Queen Street again. Bought some stuffs. Went back, watched TV. The TV programs are up-to-date, but the movies are not. During the time of my visit, National Treasure and Narnia Prince Caspian were just about to be shown in cinemas.
Day 3:walk up and down Queen Street. At night, my dad's friend treated us fish and chips at a cafe in Sky Tower. For the sake of fish and chips, we braved the Auckland night rain and climbed up a hill and arrived there in 10 minutes, as promised. It's the LARGEST and MOST EXPENSIVE fish and chip I've ever eaten. It cost $21 (approx. RM52.50) and one plate and feed 10 people. I didn't finish mine of course.
My dad's friend is a chain smoker, and I felt like suffocating. My dad told him that I love going to London and it really made me seem like a spoilt brat. He thought I'm studying in London, so you can imagine my embarassment when I had to explain that actually, I'm studying in a miserable little university called Uniten. He asked me how many students in my batch, coz he said number of students indicates how well the university is performing (Really?). I said there's not many. But when I said I'm reading civil engineering, he seemed pretty impressed.
Day 4: Went to Victoria Park market. It's like Central Market. Cheap souvenirs there. Then took the free bus and went sight-seeing around town. Went to Sky Tower.
As you can see, I travelled thousands of miles just to spend my time walking up and down Queen Street.
And most of my pictures are taken indoor, coz it's always raining.
So that's everything you need to know about my trip. Complete. Looking forward to next trip. I hope it's Dubai.
**It means "Hello" in Maori
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Dream holiday!
-We've been there many times, so we know our way around
-I LOVE London
-It's summer, so the hotels are fully booked
-The hotels are expensive, one night can cost about RM500
-We've been there many times.Haha.
Then, we considered Los Angeles.
-Dad has been there, and he likes it.
-Cheap hotels for airline staff
-Easy to get around (bus)
-Total cost of trip only RM3000
-Looong flight.
-My mum's visa has expired
And finally....we decided to go to...
Auckland, New Zealand!
Cheap hotel.
Right in the middle of the city.
Total cost of trip is RM2500!
Will be going off to NZ this Friday. Be back next week. Will post pictures ;)
Just when my fringe had grown to the right length...
Just when my skin is clear and fair and has no breakouts...
I can't meet my bf coz he's sick!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Day 8
My bf's on the plane back to Malaysia already...with my souvenirs...hihi I can't wait!
Had to read at least 25 pages of EIS today. I can feel a headache already.
Our anniversary date is approaching and I'm not 100% happy though coz it means my holiday is coming to an end :(
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Day 7
This morning I called the registrar and asked whether it's true I can't collect exam tickets after 30 May just like what it says on the website. The person who answered the phone seemed totally BLUR so she passed to phone to another person. I didn't know that she passed the phone to someone else coz their voices sound exactly the same. So our conversation was something like this:
2nd person:Hello?
Me: Err so I can I collect the ticket or not? (thinking is the same person who picked up my call)
2nd person:What ticket?
Me: Exam ticket
2nd person:Err...of course you can?
She sounded totally confused. I guess people never call and ask whether they can collect their tickets. They just come to the registrar and get it. Haha. I'm such a weirdo. She probably think I'm a new student, who has not familiarize yet with life there. Fair enough. I always feel like a newcomer in Uniten, never been able to fit in.
I browsed through the university website again and guess what? There's a Malaysian Studies class at BM and it's empty and if I take that class, I won't have any classes on Monday. Long weekend! It baffles me though. Why don't they open this class during the pre-subject registration? A year ago, I wanted to take a Malaysian Studies class that will enable me to have no class on Friday, but when I register, the class is not available! Wonder why they keep it empty? Hmm...I really really hope that I can register for that class this coming sem. I can't stand being in Uniten for 5 days!!!
My dream timetable for next sem...hihi

Right now what can make me happy is if I get an exact timetable as this next sem..And also being able to complete my studies in another 4 sems without any problem.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Day 6
Right now I'm experiencing the kind of body ache you get when you're about to have a fever. Feels like someone is poking the back of my right earlobe with needles. Urgh. Am reading EIS in bed. Will update more tomorrow.Toodles.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Day 5
No bf to sms/call.
No friends.
Only an Indonesian-sinetron-obsessed mother to talk to.
Woke up early to study, but failed to do so.
And all of sudden feel like going to KLCC.
Coz last night I had dream.
In my dream, I got a RM50 shopping voucher from ISetan. (Woke up and only found one RM10 ISetan voucher in my purse which I got yesterday after buying the Clinique set. Sob.)
My final exam is in another 8days.
I read EIS. I rest 30mins. I read EIS. I watch TV. I read. I surf the Internet. I read. I flipped through a magazine.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Day 4
I'm running out of cleanser and moisturizer and since Clinique isn't going to have a bonus time anytime soon, I bought the mini 3-step skincare set. My eyeliner is about to finish too, so got myself the Revlon ColorStay liner in black. It's the best eyeliner I've ever used.
Had lunch at Dome. Ordered Spicy Olio Pasta. The best pasta I've ever tasted. My mum asked me whether the Dome pasta tastes like the pasta she cooked the other day. The Dome pasta taste way better, but I can't tell her that coz obviously all she wants to hear is a compliment about her cooking. So I said yes ma, taste exactly the same.
After she finishes cooking, my mum always say "I don't know how it turns out. I think it won't taste good" but she doesn't mean it. She's fishing for a compliment. she wants me to say her cooking is excellent. When I'm in a good mood, I'll say her cooking is 5 star. But when my mood is really bad, I simply say that her cooking is OKAY.
I got a feeling that I will become like that when I'm a mother.
Dad's car broke down again. He said something to do with the temperature being too high. Luckily Cute Mobil is there to save the day. Told him to take Cute Mobil to work tomorrow.
The bf texted. He got me more souvenirs. YEAY. He's having fun and I'm feeling bitter coz I have to stay here in Malaysia and study!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Day 3
At KL Sentral I saw a Fasio advertisement for shockproof mascara. Haha. I thought only cameras are shockproof.
I swear I will NEVER EVER take the KTM on weekends. It's totally packed, and I got to observe one of the most irritating Malaysian habit--rushing to go in the train even when the passengers inside haven't gone out yet. There's this one makcik who is not patient to go in, when she went in, her shoes slipped off her feet and fell into the gap between the train and the platform. Serves her right. She had to go to Mid Valley with only one shoe. Sian. Takpe kat Mid bole bli kasut baru!Heehee.
Got my stuffs back(the stuffs that I left at my old apartment when I was in a hurry to move out).Yeay!Got back my Benefit makeup remover, my neroli jasmine perfume and lots of other stuffs! :)
Took my parents to Alamanda. It's my first time driving there. Failed to impress my parents, as usual. My mum kept on reminding me to slow down coz there's a bump ahead. Yeah I can't see the bump, it's painted YELLOW for God's sake! My parents panicked at the entrance of the carpark, they said my side mirror nearly hit the ticket machine. But aren't those ticket machines designed to be some distance away from the car? Huh, I dunno. My bf always compliments my driving. I guess what they say about the most compatible partner is the one who brings out the best in you is probably true. My dad gave me a B+ on my driving, my mum gave me a damn B. Huhu. I'm not happy with my performance so today I'm not as alert as usual.
I believe that driving doesn't have to be 100% perfect. I've seen lots of excellent drivers make mistakes. Not major mistakes, but little mistakes. But what matters is that you don't hit anything. And everyone's safe. Right?
My parents were pretty impressed with Alamanda. I was impressed too when I first went there. But after many,many times? I feel like it's the second Uniten. My dad said that Alamanda reminds him of one of the malls in Australia. My mum said that it's better than Tebrau City.
Had lunch at The Coast (coz Mum insisted on eating something that is not available at our place). I've been to The Coast only once. I dunno why I never came back. Today I ordered Mushroom Salsa Fish. It's delicious. Grilled fish served with rice and coleslaw (in the menu it's supposed to be streamed vege, they changed it to coleslaw.Pissed!)
The bf texted me. Said he bought some stuffs for me.
Hmm...I'm thinking. Which one of my bags will be picked to become the lucky bag that I will bring on my holiday??Criteria: Must be able to fit in a book for in-flight reading, my camera, my makeup, purse and mobile phone. I've shortlisted some bags:
i)United Colors of Bennetton pink hobo bag
ii)United Colors of Bennetton black hobo bag
iii)Dorothy Perkins pewter sling bag
iv)Dorothy Perkins red kettle bag
Result will be confirmed later.Hehe.Destination also will be announced later. Surprise!!