Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A summary of my life in 2008
1. Joined a class (two classes actually) where I knew no one, and managed to get through the semester successfully. And made new friends too.
2. Supported my dad when he was hospitalised for only-God-knows-how-long to remove the growth in his stomach. Of course, I couldn't have done that without someone's help.
3. Collected my very first dean's list ceterficate (A bit late though, I got in in 2007)
4.Learned to operate the washing machine at home (Yes, I know, I'm so undomesticated)
5. Learned to understand men better (i.e.when is the right time to complain/nag)
6. Tried to quit being a shopaholic. But failed.
7. Became a teenager again a.k.a growing acne on my face.
8. Got my first car!!!
9. Took pictures at Dreamworld with my bf for the first time (lots of "firsts" in this list...hehe)
10. Finally tried J.Co Donuts...and hated it.
11. Went to Auckland, New Zealand (another "first"...hehe)
12. Got my hair cut shorter than I want it to be, by mistake. Screw that hairdresser! Until now my hair hasn't grown much, it's still shoulder length!
13.Attended pre-marital course.
14.Performed some good deeds by doing community service at the zoo (hehe, actually I just wanna get the marks)
15.Got the worst cough of my entire life. It lasted for months!
16.Discovered my ambition of becoming a "designer"...until I got discouraged when I found out that in engineering, a designer does not design things (as in, draw!), but they rack their brains coming up with dimensions of buildings and boring stuffs like that. No thanks.
17. Started eating brown rice as part of my low GI diet (kononnye lah...)
18. Landed an interview with a multinational company...and then screwed it up.
19. Got dean's list for the second time :)
20.Got my green card (permit to enter construction sites)
Goodbye 2008!! Welcome 2009!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Tagged by my beloved cuzzie!
= At the moment, it's lilac. I'll let you know when it changes again ;)
2.Who Is The Most Important To You?
= Arghh...this is a tough one. My parents, him...
3. How Often Do You Think Of Commiting Suicide?
= Never, coz my mum kept on preaching on how sinful it is to commit suicide.
4. Do You Think You Have Enough Confidence?
= No. I have the lowest self-confidence level in the world!
5. How Many Babies Do You Want?
= Not sure. Two will do, but I don't mind if there's more.
6. Do You Believe In Seeing A Rainbow After The Rain?
= Huh? Of course la. I've seen it before.
7. What's Your Goal Next Year?
= Better CGPA, improved health and looks.
8. Who'll You Miss The Most, If You Don't Talk To Them?
= Y
9. Do You Think The Person Who Tag You, Like To Play Kidnapping?
= I'm not sure I'll have to ask her :)
10. What Do You Want For Christmas?
= I don't celebrate Christmas, but there's no harm in making a wishlist right? I want a pink laptop backpack! Hehe.
11. What Is Your Bad Habit?
= a long list, but one of them is shopping compulsively when I'm a)rich or b)stressed.
12. Do You Have A Secret Crush?
= No. Most lecturers and almost everyone in CE department knows who my boyfriend is. Haha. So it's not a secret.
13. Do You Cherish Every Single Friendship Of Yours?
= I only cherish friends who are good to me. Friends who treated me like shit, using me, bye bye!
14. What Does Flying Mean To You?
= Travelling!
15. What Do You Crave For The Most Currently?
= Nothing. I can't taste anything. I have sore throat and fever dammit!
16. Are You Single/ Relationship?
= In a relationship.
17. What Have You Done To Yourself To Make Yourself Happy?
= Buying myself new clothes.
18. How's Your Day?
= Went to Steel class. Brunch with Mr.Y. Went back to my apartment. That's my boring life.
19. If You Were Asked To Make A Wish, What Would You Ask For?
= To be 100% healthy. And rich. And successful. And happy. Haha. That's 4 wishes already.
20. I Tag :
= Wani (my ex-classmate whom I missed sooo much!)
= Lina (my cousin who's coming to my house this Thursday. Can't wait)
= Zarith (who's having Highway lab right now as I'm typing this. I know coz she's in the same group with Mr.Y)
= I don't have many blogger friends =(
Silent readers, please share with me ur blogs, I want more blogs to read! Jangan segan2...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Quick date at Pavillion
We parked at Lot 10, and walked to Pavillion. He acted like a little kid, he gripped my hand as if he's afraid of getting lost :p
He was pretty excited once we arrived there.
He's always asking me a bunch of questions also.
"Where is Bukit Bintang?"
"Where is Starhill?"
"What building is that?"
"Why is Lot 10 green?"
I feel like a tourist guide.
We had lunchie at Pastamania. My favourite restaurant in Pavillion. Love the food, the atmosphere there.
Before we went back, Mr.Y decided to stop at Haagen Dasz. He said he wanna know what it feels like to hang out and eat ice cream at Bintang Walk. Haha. Sorry this entry is boring coz there's no pictures. We were rushing just now coz someone's busy with his final year project and I wasn't in the mood anyway.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Anyway, I ended up buying more than I planned for. M&S was having a sale (every shop is having sales), everything 40% and 50% off. I bought two tops and a gold purse. It's been awhile since I last shopped for something nice to wear, I always buy boring t-shirts and cheap clothes at Sg.Wang. Besides, I got my loan already. It's not that I want to finish off the money. But the logic is, loan + sale season = shopping! Total amount spent = RM250. Which is still OK, coz last time Mr.Y spent RM200-300 on just one shirt at M&S. At least I got 3 things (Haha.Nak sedapkan hati).
The other day I accidently knocked my face powder off my desk and it broke! I've only been using it for a few times! I shopped around for it today, but it's nowhere to be found. I guess the manufacturing of that powder had stopped. Then I went to Watsons. The Maybelline, L'Oreal, Revlon, Kate, Fasio powders failed to interest me. In the end I bought the ZA face powder (because there's a sticker of Winner of Malaysian Women's Weekly Best Beauty Buys 2008). And the price is reasonable too. RM30.90. *Sigh* I am such a scrooge.
Friday, December 26, 2008
New shoes!
I was looking for high heeled shoes. I saw one in Vincci catalogue which I really like, but in the end ended up buying something else.
I also bought another heels. Price:RM 26.95. I bought this one first, but then realized its too dull after I left the shop. So that's why I decided to buy another one. This one has 3-inch heels.
I also bought a couple of tops. 50% discount.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The monsters
They are like monsters. They make the kids in Cheaper by the Dozen look disciplined.
Things they did to Koko:
-One of them hit her repeatedly with a towel
-They make snarling noises at her
-They stamped their feet on the floor, hoping to scare her
-They hit her with pillow numerous times!!!
-And many more!
What is wrong with them?? I look at other people's kids, they're all adoreable. Their naughtiness level is not so bad. But my cousins...huh!
Koko, who is a really ganas cat, actually HID UNDER MY BED AND REFUSE TO COME OUT. That shows she's extremely scared of my cousins. In fact, she even growled at them and tried to bite them. Koko never snarls or hisses at people (except the vet).
If you have no idea which cousins I'm talking about, they are the "piranhas" that I described in this post
Why ants are just a bunch of idiots
Ants are working on my last nerve because everytime I boil water, they would come into the kettle. They're so stupid. The water's hot, and they can't swim. In the end, I see a sea of dead ants in my kettle. It's a lose-lose situation. They die, and I can't drink.
Why can't they just stay away?? Or go find sugar. Plain water isn't their kind of thing.
Hibernation mode
I am the opposite of an insomniac.
I sleep way too much.
Every night, by 10pm, I'm already sleepy. If primary schoolers are forced by their parents to be in bed by 10pm, well, for me it's voluntary.
I had plenty of sleep. 8 hours or maybe more. But I still fall asleep in class! Dah la tido awal, bangun lambat plak tu, and then boleh tido dalam kelas! Seriously there's something wrong with me.
Maybe it's because the subjects I'm taking this sem are all boring huh? That makes me fall asleep. Like today in Steel class, I sat in front, hoping that it will make me stay awake, but no. My eyes felt heavy and I yawned every 5 seconds. All my friends are wide awake!
I tried taking a healthy, high energy wholegrain breakfast. I'm taking vitamins as well. Next I'm gonna try those oxygenated water. See if it works.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
tagged by azze
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag 1 X infinity number of friends who might enjoy doing this.+++
*in other words, this is an embarassing look into my media player which has lots of lame songs**
~NEVER SAY GOODBYE-some Korean singer [hahaha]
~INNOCENT EYES-Delta Goodrem [innocent?!]
~INVISIBLE-Ashlee Simpson [haha...yeah...I don't like guys who are too "outgoing"]
~TAK SEPERTI DULU-Radja [OK OK I know this band is soo 2005]
~ANDAI KU TAHU-Ungu [Yes I have no directions in life]
~FIX YOU-Coldplay [Fix who?]
~THE REAL THING-Gwen Stefani [aww...really?? That's nice]
~ ZOMBIE-The Cranberries [haha what the...?]
~BOYFRIEND-Ashlee Simpson [Haha.Very funny]
10. WHAT IS 2+2?
~WE ARE ONE TONIGHT-Switchfoot [ answer would be 4 actually.Switchfoot is bad at maths]
~DI ATAS NORMAL-Peter Pan [haha whatever]
~IT MUST HAVE BEEN LOVE-Roxette [Yes it is]
~BETTER IN TIME-Leona Lewis [hehe...yes I am less of a brat as I grow up :p]
~BUNGA-BUNGA CINTA-Misha Omar [OMG! NOOO WAY!Embarassing song]
~MASIH TERSERLAH AYUMU-Exist [Another embarassing song >.<>.<]
~CLOSE TO YOU-Carpenters [Close to the people I love I hope]
~BABY IT'S YOU-Jojo [Dunno what to say]
~LUKA LAMA-Cokelat [Haha so jiwang]
~ WHEN YOU'RE GONE-Avril Lavigne [:'(]
~UMPAMA MIMPI DALAM MIMPI-Damasutra [OK, enough humiliation already]
25.WHO I TAG-Anyone who feels like doing this.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
I hate Friendster
Last time MySpace had also warned its users about this phishing thing. Phishing is a process of attempting to acquire information like usernames, passwords etc, through websites like Friendster, Facebook, e-bay etc.
Nowadays, everytime I look at my friends' profiles, there's always pictures of some slut showing off her boobs. Some of my friends are pissed off too, coz that stupid Friendster virus or whatever they call it, hacked their profile, and used their account to spread those nasty pics to their friends.
I received a bulletin from one of my friends about this virus. Apparently, the virus will cause you to "sign out" without having to click "log out." When you sign in again, the virus will use your account to spread the pic to all your friends.
Friendster sucks! I'm out.
Cupcakes and dolls
Today went to KLCC again coz I wanted to find the Marks & Spencer Lavender 3-in-1 Body, Room and Linen Spray. I was determined to try the cupcake. And my mum, she's being kind this time, agreed. She even tried one too.
The cupcake was delicious. Very sweet though. RM4 each.
My cupcake!
I remember the time when everyone was crazy about those cute cupcakes. At that time I could only find cupcakes in Damansara. Lots of cupcake shops there. Cupcake Chic,Wondermilk (Up until now I still dunno where on earth is Wondermilk). It's hard to find cupcakes here in Ampang, and I tried searching for it when I'm in Subang. None!
Now cupcakes are available in Ampang. Yeay! I've tried those cupcakes at one of the kiosks in Great Eastern mall. Taste really good, not too sweet. A large sized cupcake cost RM3.50, and it's RM10 for three. That's the cheapest cupcake I could find.
You can also try the cupcakes at The Lawn, KLCC. Yummy as well. Priced at RM5 each I think.
At Cupcake Chic, it's RM4.50 each.
Anyway, back to the main objective why I went to KLCC. I couldn't find the 3-in-1 spray. Instead, I bought the lavender anti-perspirant deodorant. I thought the deodorant is like Impulse, you can use it as a body spray as well. But it's not! The M&S deodorant left a white residue after you spray it. Kind of ruined whatever fabric that you spray it on. Inilah akibatnya nak berjimat cermat sangat. I was hesitant to spend RM177 on the L'Occitane lavender spray, and RM120 for Crabtree & Evelyn lavender water.
OK, the lavender thing is a big dissappointment. Buttttt....I found something that I really like at Kinokuniya. Momiji dolls!In other words, those cute Japanese dolls. (I never grow up, always young at heart :) )
I bought one of the dolls. It's sooo hard to pick which one I like coz all of them are so supercute! I finally decided on a doll called "Clever Clogs." Each dolls has its own personality. This is Clever Clogs

For example, this doll is called "Laughing." Personality? "I like integral calculus!," it says on the box. By the way, the dolls come in a noodle box.
My doll, Clever Clogs, likes boys who wear glasses. Same as me. Or more specifically, a boy with glasses. Hehe.

Next I'm gonna buy Funny Girl. She likes alfalfa sprouts and quiz shows. Isn't she adoreable???

Thursday, December 18, 2008
A tiring week
Hmm... what to say? This sem I'm taking 18 credit hour (6 classes).
Water & Wastewater Engineering
Structural Analysis II
Reinforced Concrete Design
Structural Steel Design
Soil Mechanics II
Technical Communication
I don't know how to survive this semester. I'm taking mostly design subjects.
Btw, I gave Mr.Y a Jean Mercier tie pin and a pen holder for his birthday.
I've been tagged. I think I'll do it in the next post.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Shopping for someone's birthday
After hours of looking around, I finally found the perfect gift.
Then I went home and I had second thoughts. The gift is kind of...dull. I imagine myself as the person receiving it, and I think, "Only this???"
So I racked my brain last night, thinking what else to get him. There's something at KLCC which I really like but there's no way I'm coming back to KLCC for the second time. KLCC is like a pasar malam, but with air-cond. The place is so packed!
So today, I went to Great Eastern mall, hoping to find another gift that will complement the one I bought yesterday. I wasn't hoping so much, coz you know la, Great Eastern mall, how many things do they have there? I went to MPH, searching for any good books, but there's none. Besides, I don't think Mr.Y likes to read. I wanted to go to a sports shop, but I don't know exactly what to buy there. A fitness shop, but he already has all the fitness equipments at home. Lovely Lace? Nahh, too girly. Timberland? Nothing interesting.
I was about to give up and went home until I went into this shop, and found the perfect gift (at least,to me it's perfect la). I was so happy. Haha. I found him another present, at Great Eastern mall, of all places.
Wanna know what I got him? Wait til the next post ;)
Friday, December 12, 2008
My father's new diet

Monday, December 8, 2008
Selamat hari raya aidiladha
It's a very boring holiday. But it's OK, coz I love staying at home feeling bored. I'm a homely person, you see.
Went to MPH Great Eastern mall coz they're having a 3-for-2 sale. I was hoping to buy Rich Dad,Poor Dad (Mr.Y wants this book too), Shopaholic & Baby and Who Moved My Cheese. But when I got there, Shopaholic & Baby was out of stock. And there were only OLD copies of Rich Dad,Poor Dad. And I was having second thoughts about Who Moved My Cheese.
I've always wanted to buy motivational books. But once I got my hand on a copy, I hesitated before making my way to the cashier. I thought that those self-help books can benefit me in terms of self development. But the contents are so...LAME. And the titles are embarassingly cheesy. So I think, those self-help books are not for me. My life isn't so screwed up so I don't need them.
So I went home empty-handed (but with plenty of cash in my purse).
I love books. But I'm always debating which books I should buy. I'm a fan of chick lits. They're great when you first bought them, but once you've read the whole book? I'm not the kind of person who read the same book twice. So I think paying RM35.90 for a book you only read once is not worth it. Except if it's a Little Black Dress book, coz it's only RM19.90. But still, things like these accumulates over time. And like I mentioned, I only read them once!
But I always ignore all these thoughts in my head and proceed to buy the book anyway :p
Once I'm home, I tried studying for the Soil quiz, but I couldn't get pass even one sentence in the book.
Note to self: always try makeup before buying it. Especially eyeshadows. I love eyeshadows that have a rich colour, high pigment, however you may describe it. Sometimes, I would buy eyeshadows that looks DARK but when applied, the shade is really light.
Best eyeshadow brand: L'Oreal
Worst eyeshadow brand: Maybelline, Rimmel
I think MAC has great eye colours as well.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Got my green card today!
The seminar took about 6 hours and my butt ached coz I sat for a long time. 6 long hours listening to the safety briefing, about the dangers at sites, and looking at gruesome pictures of accidents and deaths that had happened, I finally got my green card and that rediculous-looking safety hat! Btw, Y also attended the seminar today so I wasn't alone.
I refuse to take any picture wearing that safety hat coz I'll look like Bob the Builder's ugly stepsister.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I don't need people
What I've been doing since I'm in Uniten...
1. Listening to radio on my phone
Hehe. I rarely listen to radio, but since my laptop got so hot coz I switched it on for hours, I had to find another alternative for music.
Gosh...I think I'm gaining weight. I don't like being here. I tend to crave for food all the time. If I'm at home, I can lose weight easily.
Btw, I've also started wearing scarf to classes. No, it's not because I'm daydreaming I'm in London or Korea or someplace cold. It's because of the rashes. Went to see my dermatologist a few days ago, and she prescribed two antibiotics (two!!) and my rashes are improving, but they're still visible. Fyi, I got allergic contact dermatitis. I'm allergic to sunblocks.
Yana, Aween, if you're reading this, I miss both of you so much! *hugs*
Monday, December 1, 2008
My first day
I've found a lizard in my room!
There. I've said it.
There's not just one lizard, there are more of them. I'm supposed to stay with two other housemates, but one is a superbusy first year student who's rarely at home, and the other one, I haven't met her since I came here. My only housemates are lizards.
I think I finally give up. I wanna drive to class everyday from home! Let's hope my dad agree with this idea.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Countdown to the holiday
Actually I wanted to put the countdown til the end of this sem, but I can't stand waiting that long, so I decided to be more realistic and concentrate on what's happening on short term basis. Haha.
Mr.Y's birthday is in December. Lucky him. And lucky me also. Two words: Christmas sales. Haha. Don't worry Mr.Y. I'll get you a nice pressie, not from some stock clearance sale. But the problem now is, when can I have the time to shop?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
My boring blog
I'm not sure why.
I know I've posted some entries. But it's because I feel I have to. Coz it's holiday. And I have nothing to do. Holidays are the best time to blog. Once you're busy, you don't have time to fill in about what's going on in your life. But somehow, I feel like my life is more interesting when I'm busy.
And I'm not keen on taking pictures anymore. Mr.Y kept on asking for my pictures.
I've finished reading Remember Me. The bestest book ever. Makes me happy when I read it.
I tried reading one of Cecelia Ahern's books, A Place Called Here. Cecelia Ahern is a bestselling author and people described her works as "magical." That's why I bought her books. I'm glad I only bought the cheap edition ones. Her books makes me feel depressed.
I much prefer Sophie Kinsella's funny kind of writing.
*Sigh* I read other people's blogs and they're so interesting.
New apartment
This sem is not exception.
So today I checked into my apartment. Just as expected, the room has LOTS of lizard droppings. Urghh...And the previous occupant left the window opened. I swept the floor and got rid of all the droppings, so hopefully the lizards will get the idea that my room isn't a public toilet or something. I sealed the window, and the door as well (bought a door seal at Great Eastern mall last night). I checked under the mattress for that nasty reptile creatures, at the back of my closet. So far, none.
I hope they won't intrude into my personal space coz I have to live there for four friggin months.
Hmm...lots of delicious food at home. Was shopping for groceries just now, to bring to Uniten. And I spoilt my eating plan by buying Smarties and Rollercoaster. And my neighbour gave some cupcakes. Errk. Nevermind. I'll lose weight once class starts. So far my weight is still maintained at 44-45kg. So nothing to worry.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Class starting next week!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Results, driving in the city etc.
Just because they're small, just because they're on two wheels, they think they have the right to ride opposing the traffic. I've had two encounters with idiots like this today. They travelled on the wrong side of the road and almost hit my car.
Another highlight of today is that result is out! Not on Friday. I was ecstatic the moment I viewed my result, but five seconds later, the excitement just died down. I got A for Malaysian Studies. Hahaha. I'm truly a patriotic citizen of Malaysia :P
I got B for Islamic Studies, a bit dissappointed, considering my effort helping the animals at the zoo and everything, but it's OK. And Hydro--the subject which I wrote rubbish for the final paper--I got B+. =D (Crap la, Blogger got no emoticons)
But why can't I be happy?? I worked so hard for this. But when I accomplished something, I immediately forget about it. And think about what I will face next.
So worried about next sem. All tough subjects. Glad I have Mr.Y to tutor me.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Having a HR officer as your mother
You'll think it will be great, isn't it?
She'll give you tips and pointers on how to succeed at an interview, she proof-read your resumes and cover letters. My mother used to work in HR. People are always telling me how lucky I am, at least my cover letters and resumes are excellent. And I have all the knowledge about interviews.
But to be honest with you, it SUCKS.
Because she expects highly of me, and she expects that I get through all my job interviews.
My mother might be the expert in hiring people. She may be good at hiring the best performers. She can tell the difference between a good candidate and an outstanding one. "Worst" of all, she has great communication skills.
But I'm not her!
My mum is now a full time housewife. I know she feels bored with her life, and she still wants to prove that she's good at something. But sometimes, like after I messed up an interview, she'll say things like, "If I was there in that room instead of you, I'm sure I would have passed the interview." IT HURTS. And sometimes she would help me call the companies to enquire things about internship, and the people on the other line would compliment the way she communicates (people thought she's a representative from a university or something). I don't need to hear all thoughs things, all those braggings. It makes me feel down, hopeless. BIG TIME LOSER.
I can communicate with people well. Those who've met me would say that I'm superfriendly. People loves my makcikness. My enthusiasm. But I'm not good at "formal" communication, if you know what I mean. Like, at job interviews and dealing with companies HR people. I'm not used to that.
I'm not like my mother. Our education backgrounds are different. She knows everything about office stuffs. My education doesn't teach me that. Actually, I kind of regret taking civil engineering. It's too challenging, sometimes I feel like I cannot take it anymore. Give up, just like that.
Remember Me?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Love survey
name: Norliyana
age: 21
birthdate: 4th February 1987
location: Ampang
hair color: jet black
eye color: black
height: 150cm
contacts/glasses: contacts
freckles: none
About Your LOVE
name: Muhammad Yasser
age: going to be 23 in just a few weeks!
birthdate: 16th December 1985
location: Subang Jaya
hair color: dark brown
eye color: dark brown
About You And Your LOVE
where did yall meet: we attend the same university
how old were both of you: I was 19, he was 21
are yall in love: Very much
was it love at first sight: Yes...for him!
where did yall go for a first date: Hahaha... Mines. Our least favourite place.
was it fun: Yes it was. Even though I had to cut it short coz my parents were coming to visit me.
where did yall go for the second date: I can't remember. KLCC I think.
was it fun: Every date spelled F-U-N
what was the first gift he/she has givin you: A stuffed animal
whats the first gift you have givin he/she: Colourful stones from Sweden
how often do yall be with each other: In Uniten we see each other almost everyday. During holidays, we meet at least twice a week.
how often do yall talk on the phone: Once every two days. We're trying to cut down our bills. We Skype instead.
do yall have any kids: Haha...not yet!
do yall want to get married: Of course.
what is the most attractive thing on their body: I like his height.
how often do yall tell each other "i love you": Everyday
Final Thoughts
do you think you`ll be with this person forever?
Only God knows the future, and I can only pray that I'll be with him forever.
could you live without this person?
does this person love you as much as you love him/her?
Yes. We are always competing who loves each other more :D
what do you wish for out of this relationship?
I wish that this relationship will last and blossom into something else, if you know what I mean ;)
OK, I know some of you cynics wanna throw up reading this coz I'm being so cheesy and lovey dovey here but I don't have anything interesting to post, only surveys!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Survey #1
Only one. I'm just a simple person with no income and a huge student loan debt to pay :(
2. Can you do math in your head well?
No. I'm soo used to the calculator. Now I even need a calculator to find out whats 19 + 8 *sigh*
3. What's your least favorite chore to do around the house?
Sweeping the floor coz I'm allergic to dust! Just one minute of sweeping is usually followed by one hour of sneezing afterwards.
4. What's your favorite flavor of potato chip?
Sour cream and onion. But actually it depends on the brand also.
5. Do you ever read the weather forecast?
Only when I'm travelling to another country. I couldn't care less about the weather in Malaysia.
6. Do amusement park rides make you sick?
No. But that's because I only go on the kids rides! Haha.
7. Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
I don't watch Star Wars or any movies with weird looking characters.
8. What kind of cheese do you put on your sandwiches?
Ermm...single slice, reduced fat.
9. What radio station do you listen to the most?
Sinar f.m :p I'm so old!!!
10.Who was the last person to give you a gift?
Mr. Y. Crystal bracelet, crystal necklace, some other crystals and a cute shoulder bag from Africa! But the bag's strap is torn a bit and I haven't bring it to the tailor for repair. The last time I attempted to sew it myself I accidently poke the needle into my thighs. Ouch!
11. How old were you when you got your driver's license?
12. What was the first thing you ever learned how to cook?
Maggi, of course.
13. Did you ever collect beanie babies?
I got one free from McDonalds. But I don't collect them. But I think they're cute though.
14. When was the last time you got a haircut?
Last week! I trim my fringe.
15. Have you ever been to a bachelor/bachelorette party?
No. I'm not really into these stuffs.
16. How many people can you say you TRULY love?
Three. My parents and Mr.Y. I can't say I love Koko coz the question asked "how many PEOPLE."
17. Where are you most ticklish on your body?
I can't tell coz once my secret is out, someone will use this weakness against me!!Haha...just kidding. I'm not ticklish. But I love to tickle people! So beware.
(If you are tall-ish, skinny, brown-skinned, wears glasses, and drives a black car, you're my favourite target)
18. Do you like kids?
Yes. Especially if they are cute. Haha so discriminating!
19. Have you ever cheated on a test?
Never. But I've let others copy my test. Countless times. I'm so nice.
20. Is your next birthday coming up soon?
Yes. 4th February. 3 months more to go. Everyone please take note!!! And give me some pressies!!
21. Have you ever bailed anyone out of jail?
No. There's no loser or trouble-maker in my family or my social circle.
22. What's the last board game you played?
Monopoly. Yeah, I have a Monopoly. Everytime people come to my house and they saw it, they'll ask me, "What???You have one???But you're an only child!" Ask me again and I'll cry.
23. Have you ever given someone a fake phone number?
Yes. When I was in form 1, this guy had a crush on me and I gave him Domino's Pizza number instead of mine. He called. HAHAHA.
24. Do you actually eat 3 meals a day?
Of course. I never skip my meals to avoid carb craving.
25. Do you have any bumper stickers on your car?
No. But I'm looking for one though, to put at the rear window. Something funny and witty to warn off tailgaters. God I hate them.Right now my car is clean. No stuff toys, no bumper stickers. All I have is an umbrella and steering lock inside.
26. Do you leave good tips when you eat out at restaurants?
No. In Malaysia we don't tip. But we have to pay the government tax.
27. What's your favorite thing to eat at bbqs?
Get this--I've never been to a BBQ party!!! The only thing BBQ that I've eaten is potato chips. And hotdogs dipped in BBQ sauce.
28. Do you still own any VHS tapes?
What is that? Is it the rectangular black tapes? I think I still have it. Beauty & the Beast and Tom & Jerry series which I bought 15 years ago.
29. How many of your friends have you known for at least 5 years?
Aween, Yana, Izreen...
30. Are you superstitious?
Yes! I follow all the petua orang tua. Like, only cut your fingernails on Monday, Thursday, Friday. And don't take pictures of your cat. I haven't taken any pics of Koko coz I'm afraid she'll die or get lost.
31. What was your favorite book as a child?
Maths Wizardry for Kids. But I only pretend to read it so people will think I'm a maths genius.
32. Have you lied to anyone in the last 24 hours?
Can't remember.
33. What's the most expensive restaurant you've ever eaten at?
I don't know. All restaurants have almost same prices right? Except for hotels.
34. How many jobs have you had?
NONE. That's why my resume is so boring.
35. Are you keeping a secret from anyone right now?
What kind of question is this?
36. What's the smallest town you've ever visited?
I'm not sure. When I visit a place, I only care about the distance of shops from my hotel. I'm not keen on the geographical aspects.
37. If there was a real Jurassic Park, would you visit it?
No, unless if Mr.Y wants to.
38. Have you ever gone golfing?
No. I don't even understand how the game is played. Seems like a pretty boring game to me.
39. What's your favorite kind of soup?
Creamy mushroom soup. Yummy!
40. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
Please don't ask me this. I only have a bike with three wheels at the back. So I don't have to learn to ride it.
41. Do you know any sign language?
No. I'm have no special talents or skills whatsoever. I'm a boring person.
42. If you became famous for something, what would it be?
43. How many friends do you have that are married?
About 4-5. Not close to them though.
44. Do you ever read the newspaper?
Of course.
45. When you're having a bad day, how do you make yourself feel better?
Talk to Mr.Y
46. Do you still have your wisdom teeth?
My wisdom teeth haven't grown yet.
47. Did you have a swingset in your yard when you were a child?
No. That's why I'm so jakun when I go to other people's houses that has a swing.
48. Have you ever played poker for money?
49. You're making a fruit salad: what kinds of fruit do you put in it?
Strawberry, kiwi, peach, orange, watermelon, ermm grapes?
50. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number?
51. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
Nang Nak. The Thai movie.
52. Do you eat your mac & cheese with a fork or a spoon?
Fork. Savour it bit by bit. Mmmm....
53. Where did you have your first kiss?
I can't remember. So many people kissed me when I was a baby. Haha.
54. When you were a kid, were you ever afraid of cooties?
Hmm...I guess. Coz I all the adults told me, don't come near this or that, you might get sick.
55. Do you ever go Christmas caroling in December?
I don't celebrate Christmas. But Muslims, they have nasyid instead of caroling. And yes, I used to perform in a nasyid band when I was in school. We won first place. But I only lip sync.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The interview
I've never had any interview experience before, this is my first interview and with Shell. I don't wanna go into details about how horrific it was. All you should know is that...
-the interviewer didn't even ask me anything about myself, or education background, what I now about their company or my working experience or normal questions they'll ask at an interview. When I came into the room, she asked me questions about some issues that global companies faced and me, as the CEO wtf, are supposed to come up with come strategies on how to overcome that! Omg I'm just applying as an intern, I'm not planning to take over the company!
-I always tersasul
-the interviewer shook her head many times when I answered, as if to say, "God, she's an idiot!"
So, there goes my first interview. I'll just wait for an e-mail of rejection in a few weeks time.
Butterflies in the stomach
Will update more about this tomorrow.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Goodbye lip glosses!
There's two things you have to know about me: I'm a compulsive shopper, I buy things if I like them, I don't think whether I'll use them. Second, I tend to collect lots of junks. I buy lots of stuffs that I rarely use, but I can't bring myself to throw them away. So things just accumulate in my room all these years.
Today I'm being ruthless. I decided to throw away everything that I don't need anymore. Makeup that I rarely used and has expired. I know, it's gross.
More weird things about me
1. I used to be very afraid of butterflies as a kid
Back at my old house, there would be lots of butterflies and moths coming out. And guess who they're coming after? Lucky old me. (No surprise there, if you've been following my blog, you'll know that animals,especially lizards,has a flair for me). those butterflies and moths would flutter their wings and land on ME. It's so ticklish so I became afraid of them. But not anymore. I think they're beautiful creatures.
2.I like to copy people's handwritings
I've copied my mum's, my dad's, my boyfriend's, my friends' etc etc. But I still write in my own handwriting. I just copy other's out of boredom.
3. I'm addicted to kuah asam pedas and penang laksa. I can eat those two everyday.
4.I love Snickers Peanuts and Zip Strawberry so much.
5.When I'm sad, I shop.
6.When I'm happy, I shop.
7. When I'm bored, I shop.
I'm tagging:
I've already tagged my blogger friends with this exact same thing.So this time around, those who happens to read this and wants to do this thing, feel free to do so.
Friday, November 14, 2008
What a boring holiday
-I don't date as often as I would like to. Coz this week I thought I would be busy helping my mum baking, but in the end she decided to do everything on her own. And next week my grandmother's coming! Arrrgh!
Instead of doing everything on my holiday to-do list, this is what I'm doing.
- Wake up late. Surf the Internet looking for prospective companies for internship.
- Daydream about how fun it would be working at this company, or that company.
- Number of resumes and cover letters completed: ZERO!
- This process goes on til at night. Then I would Skype with Mr.Y while exchanging videos on You Tube.
- Laugh at how cheesy and idiotic most of the oldies Malay music videos are.
I'm worried that my eyesight will deteriorate :( coz I spend a lot of time in front of the PC. Will start wearing that pinhole glasses today.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I dreamt that I failed my hydro paper.
I told my mum about this, and she said that dreams are usually the opposite of what actually happens in real life. So I searched an online dream dictionary to interpret my dreams.
Here's what I found:
Dreaming that you're failing a test, late for a test, miss a test etc., can represent:
- fear of failure in real life, or an attempt to mentally prepare for a challenge ahead
- real or imagined criticism (feeling like you don't meet others' criteria or don't "pass others' tests")
The first part is sooo true. Of course I'm worrying about my result. The second part is also correct, coz everytime I look at advertisements for internships, all they want is CGPA of 3.5 and above, and active in extra co-curricular activities. I feel like I don't meet those companies' criteria!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Applying for intership
I'm being my usual lazy self. I haven't type my resume, my application letter, everything! Everyone else had applied, I think. Today, I've only started calling some companies to enquire if they offer placements for interships. I don't wanna send in my applications straight away. I only have five confirmation letters from Uniten. So I can only apply for five companies right now.
I've tried contacting some small companies but they don't need interns (coz they couldn't afford to pay!). I don't like how they answer the phone either. It's like they haven't eaten for a week.
Hmm...there's one thing I learnt today. Most major companies have vacancies for interships, but they're very particular about your CGPA. When I called them they usually ask what's my CGPA. If your CGPA is above 3.0, you're OK. If you're from Uniten, it's even better. Haha. Just kidding.
One disadvantage of applying for big companies: less chance of getting placement as lots of people are applying too.
After Coffee Bean, we walked around OU coz I'm trying to burn the calories from the coffee and nasi lemak. When we're tired of walking, we had our lunch. So today all we ever did is EAT.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
My fave lippie
The other day I went to Body Shop Ampang Point to buy it coz there's a Star Buy sale--buy 2 lip colours for RM68 (one lipstick cost RM42). I wanted my favourite shade 46, but the sales assistant said that it's no longer available and they have stopped manufacturing that shade! I was so devastated. She recommened a shade that is close to my favourite one, which is #42:Dusk Pink, and I trusted her so I bought TWO of it. But guess what? It's not the same!
So today, I went to KLCC, hoping that shade 46 is still available. If not, then I planned to go to MAC instead coz MAC also has gorgeous nude lipstick shades. I'm a fan of natural tone lipsticks, by the way. But I prayed that I won't have to go to MAC, coz they have,like,millions of lipcolours and I'll get a headache choosing the right one. Even if I ask the makeup artists there for help, they won't be able to give the exact same shade. I've tried this before at Clinique and Bloom counters. There is no shade as beautiful as Body Shop's shade 46!
So imagine by happiness when I saw my favourite lipstick at Body Shop's makeup counter. Heehee.
Anyway, right now I'm using my old phone back (Sony Walkman). The Cybershot phone is just so terrible! Mr.Y always complained that he couldn't hear me clearly whenever I called him using the Cybershot phone. Plus, the Cybershot phone is so overrated, the camera is really bad. The Sony Walkman camera always makes me look good. Heehee. Another bad thing about the Cybershot phone is that there is something wrong with its Ntah la, I'm not good with technological terms and electronic devices. But everytime I switched on my phone, this message will appear: WARNING! ALL CONTENT WILL BE LOST! FORMAT? I said NO. But the phone still format anyway. And all my songs are deleted. Nice.
Oh, I forgot to update about this. My mum is now eating brown rice like me! Hehe. She asked me one day, "Makan ni boleh kurus tak?"
I said, "Boleh."
Besides, the pharmacist at Watsons also told her the goodness of brown rice so now she's including it in her diet. I also told her that brown rice is rich in vitamin B, bla bla bla. Everyday she'll be raving about how brown rice makes her feel full longer.
My mum is becoming more like me (weird!Usually daughters copy their mothers). She even talk like me. Whenever people hear me talking to my mum on the phone, they'll think I'm talking to a friend. Yes, my mum talk like an average 21-year-old. Cool? I'm not sure.
Err, I haven't send in my resumes for industrial training. So lazy. I haven't even typed them. Problem is, I'm so picky. I want a company that is near to my house (or near to my dad's office so we can go together) and it must be a multinational company. I'm so choosy I hate myself.
Friday, November 7, 2008
My parents
It's because of a PHONE.
Our house phone has been constantly ringing, and half of the time the call is for my mum, and the other half of the time, people are asking for my dad. No one ever calls me through house phone now and my friends usually contact me through my mobile.
So just now, the phone rang and my dad refused to pick up the call. He always doesn't want to pick up the phone, which is pretty annoying if you ask me. My mum was eating her lunch. After about 10 rings, my mum gave in a pick up the phone. When she said hello, she choked on a fish bone.
And so, that is why she is so pissed off today and not speaking to my dad.
Seriously, if phone calls are always bothering them, why can't they just pull the phone off the hook?
Post-examination syndrome
I'm supposed to feel good about this holiday. I finally have the chance to relax! But I can't, coz I'm worrying about--you've guessed it--Hydro.
At this point, getting an A or A- is almost impossible. To get B-, B or B+, I would need some kind of miracle. I don't wanna get C or lower!!! Througout my three years in this course, I've never gotten a C, except for Calculus (but that's because I was so lazy during my first year and I didn't attend the lectures). Only ONE C! I don't want to spoil my record by getting another C, or worse, an even lower grade. But if I would be grateful enough to pass hydro.
I'm worrying like mad coz not only I screwed up my final, but my assignment too. The lecturer gave the assignment at the very last minute before final, and I don't have time to do it. I've submitted the assignment, but it was incomplete. I didn't even type it! Omg omg omg.
Now that I'm free, I'll blog more often, but I hope my readers won't get bored with the details of me worrying about my result. I can't help it. I've never messed up an exam as bad as I mess up this one!
One person who has been really supportive of me during the final exam period is Mr.Y. My mum is supportive too, but not when I complain. Whenever I told Mr.Y about my worries, he'll be like, "Its OK. You'll be fine." and things like that. Whenever I say to my mum, "Ma, esok paper susah la." My mum just keep quiet. I'm glad to have Mr.Y coz he's in the same course so he understands. My mum has a diploma in secretarial science, so she has no idea about how tough it is to design composite drains and stuffs.
By the way, lately a couple of my old friends suddenly called me. One of them is this girl whom I used to be close to when I was in foundation and during my first year. And then she left Uniten without telling me! I was alone until my second year, when I've made some new friends. Well, she had been texting me and said she wants to meet up again. I said I'm on holiday, and if she wants to go out, it'll have to be when the new semester starts. But the truth is, I'm NOT looking forward to meet her. Which is weird coz she's fun and I love hanging out with her. But things have change a lot, and I think that leaving the university without telling your best friend is MEAN. So I've came up with excuses so that I won't have to hang out with her when the new sem starts.
OK, now I'm gonna start reading A Year In High Heels by Camilla Morton. Toodles!
It's the holidays again!
It has been a really tough semester. Maybe coz I take 5 subjects (17 credit hour). My limit is 4 subjects only per sem. If I take more than that, I'll get sick OR I'll go nuts. Yeah, seriously, my brain capacity is THAT small.
However, I'm unable to enjoy my freedom so much. Coz my last paper, which is Hydrology & Hydraulic,is so freakin tough! Other papers not as tough as this one. Eeee tension. I don't know how my result will turn out! I hope everything will be fine. *worry*worry*
Those papers which I think were OK, maybe I've made some stupid mistakes too. Like my Malaysian Studies paper.
Question: Siapakah ketua pembangkang di Malaysia?
Answer: a)Whoever lah...I can't remember
b)Lim Kit Siang
c)Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim
d)Karpal Singh
My answer:B
After the exam, I called my bf.
"Sape ketua pembangkang?"
Goshhh. I really need to brush up my political knowledge. Which totally sucks, you know. Coz I don't read the papers, except Pancaindera and Malay tabloids like Harian Metro. I feel really stupid coz all of my friends know who is the Malaysian opposition leader :( And I don't!
Studying for finals was such a TORTURE. It's so hard to study coz there are lots of distractions at home. My mum always hasut me to watch TV with her. And I always give in to temptations.
OK, enough moaning about exam. Today I checked out of my apartment. Mr.Y fetched me in Uniten and we went to Summit coz I wanted to look for some DVDs. Nothing interesting though. Then we went to Sunway Pyramid. Bought a cleanser, toner and moisturizer at Watsons. Mr.Y belanja me dinner at Nando's. They have a new sideline, grilled vegetables.
I'm not really a fan of eggplants, capsicum and cucumber (I love leafy vegetables) but the Nando's grilled vege is not bad. Very juicy and rich in flavour. Yummy.
1)I manage to get through the finals without any help from coffee.
I'm more of a tea person. I don't really like coffee. So during the final exam season, if I'm sleepy, I go to bed. I only seek help from eye creams. Hehe.
2)I don't gain weight or get pimples
Usually, during finals, I always gain weight and get pimples coz of hormone imbalance due to stress. I think I manage stress very well now :)
Tomorrow I better start cleaning my room. It looks like a dumpster.
And todayyy, I've discovered my true ambition! Before this I've wanted to become an accountant, dietitian, nurse. Now I want to become a designer! I know this is just a phase and I'll change again soon, but now I'm just sooo excited and I wanna start drawing things with Autocad during the hols!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Can't study anymore
I have 3 more papers to go, but I just miss my blog so muchhh..Hehe.
Things to do after finals:
2)Watch E! all day long
3)Take lotsss of pics like I used to (self-potraits,with BFFs,with BF)
4) tone my flabby arms
5)Go to Sunway Lagoon (coz Mr.Y wants to go there with me)
6)Watch movies (at the cinema + DVDs too)
7)Take pics at Dreamworld again
8)Eat hotdogs
9)Eat cupcakes
10)Eat anything I want to
11)Work out with my dad
12)Learn more functions of my scientific calculator
14)Date everyday
I can't hardly waitttt!!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Gifts for me...from myself
The Crabtree & Evelyn Lavender Water costs RM120. It smells sooo bad. The scent is too strong for me. The Body Shop Divine Calm Essential Oil costs RM55 per bottle. My mum told me to buy the lavender set at L'Occitane coz it's more worth it. It comes with a makeup case, shower gel, soap and perfume. The perfume smells sooo good. But I couldn't find the full-size version. I think it's limited edition :(
Friday, October 24, 2008
Looking for lavender
Right now, I'm feeling stressed as final exam will be starting in just a few days. And I can't afford to be too stressed out or else my hormones will go crazy and I'll start craving for carbs again. I ALWAYS gain weight after finals. Hope this semester isn't like any other semester.
So I'm thinking of getting myself some Lavender products. Lavender is well known for it's calming,soothing, anti-stress properties. There are tons of lavender products out there... shower gels, body lotions, hand creams etc but I want something that I can use as perfume and also to put on my pillow to help me sleep better.
Here's some of the products I'm thinking of buying:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I don't think people have time to study during that week.
Coz that's when lecturers want to replace classes, ask students to go on visits, or give assignments that has to be done using certain softwares, methods, etc.
In other words, they'll do whatever they can to make your life hard, make you stress so that your hormone goes haywire and prevents you from getting an A.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
From now on I must...
2) and give more priority to the more important people in my life.
3)learn etiquette and manners on how to be a good host to my guests.
Friday, October 17, 2008
About the birds and the bees...
1.Men expect their wives to be a perfect 10. Good cook, good in bed, good in everything. But they themselves do not notice their own weaknesses.
2. Women lust for many things--shoes,handbags etc. Men has only one lust--women.
3. What prevents a man from cheating is his aqidah (iman).
And then she started telling me the marriage horror stories, about what happened to some of my aunts, relatives etc. These stories are guaranteed to put anyone off marriage for the rest of their lives.
It's like she's trying to scare me away from getting married.
Everytime people tease me about when I'm getting married, my mum will answer for me, "Oh, it will be a long way to go til she finally settles down."
I think my mum is scared that she'll be lonely if I get married. Coz my dad's always busy with work, and if I get married I won't live in the same house with her anymore. But I can't wait too long to get married. My biological clock is ticking. Everyone knows that a woman's fertility decreases with her age. And I'm planning to have 20 kids. Hahaha.
I haven't lived as long as her to understand the many kinds of man, but I think that not everything she said are the universal treats of all man. What prevents a man from cheating is his iman AND love. Surely if a man loves his wife dearly he won't betray her. Right?
My mum is acting weird. Remember the other day I said she started reading self-help books? Now she's in the process of beautifying herself. Shopping for new lingerie, weight-loss products and she even seemed interested in that new Vitagen Collagen. Errk.
Anyway, I told my mum, "You know, I should have done my degree in dietetics and nutrition. At least the knowledge that I have will benefit me. Civil engineering is totally useless for me. Why should I care if a building collapse?"
My mum said, "I agree."
2nd check up
The doctor asked if I've had any improvement. I said I've tried losing a bit of weight and my acne has also cleared up. He recommended that I go on oral contraceptives for another 3 months, coz it will benefit me in the long run. I asked him, can he just treat me with the usual diabetic medications? He said that's not necessary. He told me not to worry, coz my condition isn't permanent and is "reversible." I just need to maintain a healthy weight and learn to manage stress.
I read on the Internet about insulin resistance. Apparently, my ovaries produced a lot of estrogen (woman's hormone). Estrogen can be found in the fat cells in the body. That's why when you have this problem, you have to control your weight. An increase in estrogen levels can contribute to a condition called insulin resistance,which is what I'm having now.
Insulin level and sugar level are two different things. You can have a low sugar level, but high insulin level in your blood. Insulin resistance is a vicious cycle. The fatter you are, the higher the insulin is. And the higher it is, the more you feel like binging on carbs. So the fatter you'll get!
The only way to control this is to eat healthy. Right now I'm on a diet of eating wholegrains and vegetables. Previously I weighed 49kg. Then I got fever and it dropped to 47kg. And then it was fasting month, and I was 44kg. Now, after eating all those kuih raya, I'm 46.4kg. The doctor said my ideal weight should be 47kg. But I try to maintain it at 45kg, just to be safe.
After the check-up, me and my man-hating mother (refer to the above entry) went to Ampang Point coz she's looking for presents coz this weekend a lot of our neighbours will be having birthday parties for their kids. I bought a planner for next year (very busy girl, but can't afford a PDA), and some cheap accessories too-- ice cream earrings, rainbow coloured hairclips, purple ring with pink stones. My mum bought me two nighties as well. They're so cute. Pink + green dots, and the other one pink dots+peach dots. Both cost RM10 each. Haha. Reccession. So we buy cheap things only nowadays.
Actually, I'm not into those diaries that Popular and MPH always sells. Coz lots of people shop for stationery there and there's a big chance that I'll own the same thing as others. But that diary was cute and cheap, and I'm poor, so it's perfect for me. Same goes for those accessories. I don't like that kind of accessories coz their quality is low and won't last long, but then again, I'm poor. Hehe.
Ughh..I'm so bloated. Grr...PMS.