Found 3 recipe books: Food Lovers Smoothies & Juices (RM12.90), Miracle Juices (RM24.90) and Juices, Smoothies & Shakes (RM11.90). All three books showed pictures of mouthwatering juices and I can't decide which one to buy so I bought all three.

I also bought a bunch of fruits at Cold Storage...starfruit, tomatoes, apples, name it. I've got all the species of fruits covered.
For the past two days I've been drinking a lot of apple and tomato juice. If my skin doesn't glow and all the bad toxins are still in my body, then I don't know what else to say.
bring some to the office pls! i want a kiwi juice..hehe.
Hehe...I dah beli 1 pack kiwi fruit tapi blum buat juice lagi. Malas nak peel off the skin.
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