Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How embarassing

It happened during the Msian Studies night class.

After the class end I was about to drive home. But there's a car parked beside me full of guys. The driver was waving and smiling at me, and the rest of the guys in the car was grinning. I waited for them to pull out of the parking space first, but they waited for ME. So I quickly reversed (the driver was still smiling and waving at me) and then in my hurry to get out of these a.s.a.p, I hit the stupid concrete barrier!

It was super embarassing coz a few people notice it (who wouldn't notice the sound of a crash?) and I bet all the idiots who were parked beside me were having a good time laughing.

Poor Cute Mobil. I was so shocked I didn't even brake! I think it must be intertia or something, coz she braked herself! Then I drove back to my apartment like a mad woman, coz I was anxious to the the damage I've done to my car. I bet the whole front part was ruined.

Fortunately, it was nothing serious. Just stratches. Only worse, more scratches than the time I hit the gate at my house. And I didn't notice the scratches at first, after I looked closely two or three times, then I noticed it. But still...the sound of the crash...I'm sure everyone in the class will refer to me as either "the girl with the rediculously large eyes" or "the girl who's a bad driver." Omg, I'm worried about the cost to repair the scratches. When I hit the gate last time, my dad polished Cute Mobil and the paint was back to normal, but I couldn't repair the dent.

I was so sad,shocked,humiliated,worried that the first person I informed about the little accident is my bf. I texted him, telling him to call me after his class coz I'm so lost. He called me a few minutes later and managed to calm me down (a bit). And then I called home and my mum said my dad wasn't home yet. A few minutes later my dad called and told me not to worry coz it's "part of driving". He said his Honda has many scratches too. I said, "But you didn't hit anything.Maybe it's stones or something." Then he said something which I couldn't hear clearly. But anyway, since Cute Mobil will be approaching her 1000km soon, my dad will take her to the service centre and ask if they can repair the scratches. In the mean time, he will try to polish it.

Anyway, Cute Mobil is a great car. Judging by the sound of the crash just now, my plate number could have falled off or the front part will be severely damage, but she survived with just minor scratches. Amazing. She really does have a strong body.

Oh, by the way, my housemate is really nice. Not only she always offers to buy dinner for me, but after the little accident, she even called her friend straight away to find out about the cost of paint job etc etc. That's very nice of her.

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