Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My crazy diet

Discovery #1: soy products have soothing effect on hormones.
My diet: I ate lots of Japanese tofu and made sure I drank at least a packet of soy bean milk every day.

Discovery #2:soy products can disrupt menstrual cycle. Eat more complex carbohydrate instead of processed carb.
My diet: I stop eating soy, and eat lots and lots of wholemeal breads and oatmeal, and cut down on white bread and rice.

Discover #3:hormonal imbalances occur when estrogen levels are higher than progesterone. To reduce estrogen levels, stop eating estrogen-rich food such as OATS and WHOLEMEAL.
My diet: Stop eating wholemeal breads and go back to eating soy.

Arrrghh!!So pissed off. Dunno which one I can trust.

I can't describe how depressed I am right now. The Malaysian Studies class on Tuesday and Wednesday has been shifted to Monday! Meaning that I have no choice but to attend classes from Monday till Friday. Huhu. I hope the lecturers for the Friday classes shift the classes to other days.

Got my apartment Murni. It's my first time staying there. I don't really prefer it coz I hate taking the elevators and I've heard that it's not safe. Plus, it's like starting over my life again. New place, new classmates. Life sucks!

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