Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Saturday, June 9, 2007

About Bob & me...

Bob's having a bad day today. So am I. My uncle (my dad's youngest bro) is here. He laughed out loud like a 5-year-old while watching some comedies on TV(trust me,they're NOT even funny) and because of his loud,booming laugh, Bob couldn't sleep.
Bob is starting to look like a sphinx. She's losing her hair, is getting skinnier. When she looks up at me, she looks EXACTLY like a sphinx(the skinny hairless cat). Eyes pop out and shrunken face. Sooo NOT cute!
Her fur looks dull, she vomitted some white icky stuff. Should start giving her vitamins again.
Since my uncle's here today, mum had to prepare the usual food that my grandma always serve. She made ME do it. So today, I cooked, mopped the floor, set the table, cleaned the house and everything. Mum helped me with the gulai daun kesum though. The chap chye and rice, I made them myself, ON MY OWN.Huhu.Tired. Anyway, my uncle said that my cooking is delicious =D
OK,this is all for now. I dunno what is Bob's problem but she's meowing nonstop at me and pulling off the phone line. Guess she doesn't want me to surf the Internet too much.Gotta go.Bye.

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