Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The story of my pimples

Exactly one year ago, I was hellbent on giving up on an engineering career. I was so determined to work in other industries, which was how I ended up working in the airline industry now.

So what do I get from working in this company? I got headache, stress and pimples. My job requires someone with at least 10 years of experience in the company and I think it's a cruel joke that I'm placed in this position.

So...anyway...back to the story of pimples.

I came into this company with crystal clear skin. But now, my face is like the surface of the moon! At first, I wasn't really busy. I kinda enjoyed working there. But then gradually, all the projects commenced, and suddenly I'm swamped with works. And then the pimples came.

I thought that since I spent about 10 hours in the office, I should switched my Revlon Photo Ready foundation with a mineral one. So I bought the MAC Mineralized Liquid Foundation. That's when I started getting pimples all over my forehead.

I went to MAC, and the salesgirl told me that the Mineralize foundation is for dry skin. For oily skin like mine, I have to use the Studio Fix Liquid. So I bought it and the pimples on my forehead cleared up, but a few new pimples started growing on my cheeks.

I decided to change my skincare regime. I swopped my L'Oreal White Perfect cleanser with a special cleanser for acne-prone skin, the Himalaya Neem Facial Wash. That's when my skin broke out like crazy. I got tiny cystic acne all over my cheeks.

Desperately, I went to the medical centre at my office. The doctor prescribed me Minocin and Dalacin T. She told me that I'll have to take Minocin for about 6 months to a year to see its effect. She's right. Within a week of taking Minocin with Dalacin T, my pimples cleared up a bit, but my face is still blemished. The antiobiotic is very slow.

Everytime I see my senior manager, she'll be like "Wao your pimples are getting worse everyday!" So I decided...that's it. I have to see a dermatologist.

So yesterday (Saturday), I went to Ampang Puteri Hospital. The skin specialist confirmed that Minocin is very slow and she prescribed me Roaccutane (a form of isotretinoin). Due to its high vitamin A content, people taking Roaccune must avoid getting pregnant or donating blood (due to the possiblity of the blood being given to a pregnant women). Roaccutane may result in a fetus malformation. Besides that, Roaccutane is not to be taken by those with high cholestrol problem so I had to take a blood test on that day to determine my lipid profile and my liver efficiency or something like that. I also had to sign an agreement saying that my doctor has briefed me and I should avoid pregnancy during the course of taking the medication (duhhh...I'm not even married yet).

The doctor prescribed me some pills and cream and I had to pay RM353.30 for the treatment. My Journey-To-Clear-Skin Kit consist of the following:

1) Augmentin (antibiotic) - to clear up the tiny cystic acne

2) Roaccutane - to minimize sebum production

3) Cetaphil cleanser for oily skin - I likeee! My face feels squeaky clean after using it.

4) Lactacyd body wash

5) Differin topical gel - to be applied at night only, for pimples and scars.

Whoever reads this post, please pray that I will never ever have pimples again in my entire life because pimples make me really depressed. Thank you.


fR said...

i'll pray for your clearer skin liyana!

Nana said...

Thank you my fren!

popcolours said...

perasan gak those tiny pimples. I pun ada byk kt forehead camne hilang :(
body wash tu for what? the last time I search cetaphil, it was sold out everywhere coz farmacy only ordered small quantity. skang ni rasa cam 100 thn nak hilangkan parut. miss my skin before I join eur team :(

Nana said...

Ayu, rasenye kalau masuk dept kte nih mesti kluar jerawat eh?? When I first joined I had clear skin.