Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Vows to myself...

From now on, I promise myself that I will...

- be myself and those who have problems with me being too lembut or too garang can go to hell.

- stop trying to please everyone because people never make the same amount of effort to please ME.

-not get easily stressed with work because it is not worth it.

- stop comparing myself with my friends because we're different. Yeah, they work in banks and they get huge bonuses. But I work with an airline and you can't compare an airline with banks or engineering companies.


fR said...

yay! finally liyana sudah mendpt cahaya hidayah..hehe..btw, ni font dah abis besar ke? takde yg besar dh?hehe

Nana said...

Tu la. I dah kembali ke pangkal jalan. Hehehe.
Haah. Ni font yg paling besar kt Blogger ni =D