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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tips melansingkan badan di bulan Ramadhan (How to REALLY lose weight during Ramadhan)

by:Dr.Nana (hehe perasan)

Some people lose weight during the fasting month, some don't.In fact,they even gain weight. Why is that??? Aren't we supposed to lose a kilo or two during the fasting month???
Well, here's an simple explanation. People don't lose weight coz they pig out when they break fast. When we fast, our body goes into starvation mode. Our metabolism rate becomes slower. So imagine if we eat a lot when we break fast, and then a few hours later we go to sleep. There's no activity to burn out the consumed calories.


1)First, start your buka puasa by gulping down lots of water.
At least a glass.

2)Eat fruits before you eat the main course.
Yes, think of fruits as appetizer, not dessert. Eating fruits after the main course will slow down the digestion process and will lower down your mental ability. Hehe. Plus, it can fill you up.

3)Don't go to bazaar Ramadhan.

Seriously, you don't need all those extra food. Just eat whatever your mum cooks. Foods at bazaar Ramadhan are unhealthy, high in calories, high in fats, oily, high in carbs bla bla bla.

So easy! 3 steps only!If you follow the first 2 steps, you will notice that just a small amount of main course (rice,lauk pauk) can make you full.

Selamat mencuba!

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