Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Medical check up

People say that when you are asked to go for a medical check up, you're one step closer towards being hired by the company. Well, my dream company called me 2 days ago (a day after the interview) and told me to go for a medical check up.

You see, I have a fear of doctors, hospital, clinics etc. The one and only time I went to a medical check up was before I enrolled in Uniten. The check up was so simple though, lucky me. There was just a colour blindness test, urine test and x-ray. But this second time I went for medical check up for employment, oh my god, they checked EVERYTHING, every single detail about me, as if they are sending me into space and I can't carry any health risk with me.

After I filled up the forms (with shaking hands, I might add), I was told to do the eye test. My eyesight was as bad as a pig, even with my contacts on! It seems that my power has increased after all these time studying and doing all these projects.

Next, they measured my height, weight and I did the colour blind test. These are OK. Then I had to sit for the HEARING TEST. The nasty nurse locked me up in a small confined space (pity those with claustrophobia), I was told to put on a headphone and everytime I hear a sound, I need to press on this weird device. The noise was sooo faint! I don't know the result of this test. Am I deaf? Yet to find out.

Then, came the urine test. I had to pee with the toilet door open. I passed the urine test. After that they sent me for x-ray. I had to do the x-ray TWICE. The first time I did it, the radiographer said my lungs are too large and it didn't fit into the x-ray film. What the...? I asked her, "Am I abnormal?" She said no, "Maybe awak sebab awak kurus kot." I think it's not because I'm thin (I'm a bit on the curvy side). I think she didn't adjust the equipment right. I don't know the outcome of my x-ray though :(

My final torture was being called into the doctor's room, and being checked from head to toe. The doctor confirmed with me that whatever I declared on the health form was true, and she checked my blood pressure, heartbeat, my throat and my teeth. Then she told me to lie down on the bed and she performed a few more checks.

Right now, all I have to do is wait and worry for the result of the medical check up. Dear readers, please pray for me! I really really want the job!


Unknown to Herself said...

I pray your health is good enough to let you get the job! After all those tests, you HAVE TO get it. :)

Nana said...

Thank you for the lovely wish! :)