Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Birth order traits

Since my friend FT has written about the characteristics of the eldest child, I'm going to write about the characteristics of an only child (I lack creative ideas these days. I tend to 'copy' other people's blogs. Haha)


1) Close to parents
Err...of course la. You have no siblings to communicate with.

2) Self control
I do have a good self control over myself, except when it comes to food. HA HA.

3) Leader
Hmm...during my uni days there were a number of times when I've been leaders for group projects.

4) Mature
A lot of people told me this. In fact, when I was in primary school, my teachers said that I'm too mature for my age.

5) Dependable

6) Demanding

7) Unforgiving
Very true. I forgive easily, but it's really hard for me to forget.

8) Private
Oh yesss...I'm a very private person. During my uni days, I was a lone ranger and didn't mingle around much.

9) Sensitive
Veryyy! Like I've told FT many times, if someone decline my meeting request or left out my name in a calendar call, I will feel hurt. Haha.

OK, next is the characteristics of a middle child (Mr.Y)...


1) Flexible

2) Easy going
Yes. He gets along well with people. OK, now I'm worried.

3) Social
Yes. He has lots of friends. Uh-oh.

4) Peacemaker
He hates it when we argue and will try his best to make peace.

5) Independent
He is. He's living on his own, far away from hsi family.

6) Secretive
OK, this is not good.

7) May feel life is unfair
He's always complaining about being assigned to work in Kluang, while some of his friends are working in KL.

8) Strong negotiator

9) Generous
He's generous WHEN HE HAS THE MONEY. That's when he'll offer to buy things for me.



tuneesha said...

tertinggal lagik satu traits... very good STRESS MANAGER ... i think u pandai hanlde stress u that you can stand those kind of people in yoour everyday life.. rite?

Nana said...

Hah?? Yeke? I tak tau plak I'm good at managing stress. Eh, nnt lepas u balik from Stress Mgt course tu kongsi la tips skit. Hehe.

popcolours said...

nak tiruuuuuuu ayu dah berhabuk hehe..

Nana said...

Hehe...silakan tiru! :-)