Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Reasons to stay with my current job

1. I need the $$$

2. Travelling priviledges

3. Medical & dental benefits

4. If I stay at home I'll be very bored

5. If I don't work people will look down on me

6. If I quit my job because of someone, it shows that I admit defeat to that person! No way!

7. My expensive education will be a waste if I don't work

8. People with 1 year of working experience will be considered as fresh entry when applying for jobs

9. I hate attending interviews.

10. I doubt that I can easily get another job.

11. I have 3 amazing friends at the office. FTMB, FR and NKR. Tulis initial je sebab diorang takut kena Google. You know who you are! ;-)

12. I tried so hard to get this job.


fR said...

Pls dont go, nnt i xde kwn..huwaaa..org2 lain di situ is very mean=(

Nana said...

Don't worry babe. I blm apply apa2pun lg. I'll give it time. Mb til the end of this year? :)