Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Monday, November 28, 2011

Shopping for hantaran : makeup set

Mr.Y banked in some cash into my account so today I went to Sephora KLCC to buy some makeup for hantaran!

I spent quite some time there, trying to make full use of the budget. I had a hard time deciding what to buy!

Finally, I settled for these:

L-R: Mascara & Eye Makeup Remover set, Makeup Studio set, a bottle of bubble bath.

Front: Anti-shine primer.

I went only RM10 over budget!!! Not bad, right?

Sephora has this temporary loyalty program. My last visit there, I spent about RM300 and today's visit, I have reached the RM500 requirement for a RM75 voucher! So I redeemed the Burt's Bees lip shimmer which I love so much and the Soap & Glory Trick & Treatment under eye concealer.

FYI, the Makeup Studio set looks like this:

1 comment:

kaSih.CinTa.GadiS said...

Suke nyer mekap studio set tuh!!