Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Entering third week of class...

Time goes by so slooow these days. It's only the third week of my second year and I still have to wait another 2 and a half years (3 if including this sem) to graduate.
Now I got a longer internet cable, which means I can surf the Internet in the privacy of my own room! Btw, it's no longer a dungeon (but I will still call it dungeon, cool name!). Just now one of my housemates came inside my room and said it's much much cooler than the other room. Well, just my luck that my room is like a cave, shielded from the glaring sunlight. Seriously, sometimes I wake up really late and it's still dark and I thought it's raining or something. Then I went out and urrghh!! The hot sun shining into the living room.
Today was my first surveying lab. In the same group with Wani, Safiah, Kak Syahadah and Nora. Didn't enjoy it that much. Much prefer geology lab. Coz it's indoor and there's aircond and everything.
Have dynamics tutorial at 6pm. Really not in the mood to go, it's cloudy. Huhu. What a day. I don't enjoy surveying, I'm not looking forward to dynamics and DE class makes me worry. What course should I change to next?? Astronomy??Geography?

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