Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Finally I'm getting involved in activities...

Joined gamelan (a type of Malay traditional music, using percussions). And people always say...those who can't play anything plays the percussion. Is that true?? I guess so. Always do things halfway, all the music lessons that I've taken before, and swimming lesson too! Until now, I still can't swim. =(
Anyway, about gamelan. First practice was last night. We were taught how to read notes (basic ones) and those with a music background has an advantage. I played this instrument, dunno what it's called but looks like keyboard. Parts of the instruments are numbered with 1,2,3,5,6,i...all the other instruments are like that. After hitting a note, you have to hold the plate so it will not vibrate, or else it will create an echo.
After practicing the tempo and stuffs, we progressed to playing the instruments itself, following the music sheets provided. First try and I was amazed by the beautiful sound that came out. Well, not that beautiful. Sometimes the tempo not perfect, and at first I was a bit slow at reading the notes. Huhu. But still, the music I've heard all my life at weddings and events like that, now I'm playing it myself!
And the guy there told me that like guitar, these instruments has to be tuned, by tightening the screws on it.
Practice supposed to be from 8.30pm-9.30pm but we ended up finishing at 11pm. Hehe. My arms ached soo much from playing it nonstop.

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