Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Me..then and now

Ten Years Ago I was:
The year was 1997, age 10. Standard four at SK Tmn Maluri. School prefect. My best friend was Yasmin. I was an extrovert. Whenever teachers asked question, my hand was always the first to shoot up and answer. It was always me, no one else. The teacher was like "Asyik dia ni je,takde orang lain ke nak jawab??" But still no one volunteered to answer, so I continued to raise hand every single day. At the beginning of the year, I was sort of cute.Clear,fair skin with soft silky-straight hair. And then by the end of the year, I became darker and my hair was getting coarser and all my cuteness just dissappeared.
5 years ago I was :
I was 15 years old, year 2002. Best friend was Lynn. I became DARKER, chubbier and I got zits on my face. I was into rock music and rock bands and the rock chick look. My idol was Avril Lavigne. I wore combats, wallet chains and I love anything to do with the skater-punk look. I listened to her album over and over again and thought that her songwriting is the best thing ever, and why couldn't I come up with such brilliant songs like that? My best friend was against these whole Avril-wannabe thingy. "Insaflah,Li," she said. I didn't listen to her. That year I was sitting for PMR and was so stressed that I got lots of pimples on my skin. They were not pimples, more like white-coloured pustules. Gross! Thanks to the skin specialist at Ampang Puteri, my skin were cured and now became fairer and clearer. Everyone was amazed. That year also, I wanted so badly to become a gymnast. Whenever there's gymnastics during gym class, I was excited. But gymnasts start at young age, and I was already 15 so my body is as stiff as a piece of wood.
1 year ago I was:
Age 19, at university.I've lost some of the baby fat, my skin condition got better too. Hair doesn't improve much, as I got highlights and perm and then my hair was ruined. Taste in clothes improved too. Dorky glasses replaced with contacts.Started my first semester in civil engineering. Took CE materials, drafting & autocad, malay language and environmental engineering. I had one close friend that time and we switched from electrical to civil engineering together. We only had 1 lab together (sieve analysis for aggregates, I remember) and then she left. We didn't even make concrete mix together. So much for friends forever. It was shitty time for me, having to get through a new course alone, with new people. But I'm glad I had my bf with me that time.
Yesterday I was:
20 years old, second year. I got a layered haircut with a bad fringe. Worrying about whether or not people wanna be in the same lab group with me. Been together with my bf for about 1 1/2 year now. I live with a neurotic cat named Koko, she is such a monster. I'm a bit bloated, and is obsessed with drinking 8 glasses of water per day.

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