Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Monday, March 10, 2008


I'm supposed to be studying m.o.m lab, project management and fluid...but here I am blogging.
I want the gorgeous blue Starbucks water tumbler I saw at Great Eastern mall a few months back. Even though it cost RM52.I.Don't.Care.
I want the Coach patchwork bag too. Or the scribble bag. Or the striped legacy bag.At first I thought Coach are ugly, but now...Guess bags are still ugly though. Especially those with padlocks on it.
Everyone has a Coach. I want one.
I wanna cut my hair. Just layer it a bit at the side. Current state of my hair: dreadful.
Anyway, I've found one source of motivation to study:Sunway Pyramid! If I can finish most of the syllabus before Saturday, I can go to Pyramid. If no, then I'll just go home straight. No date :(
I wish I can let out everything I felt in this blog. I wish I can write a long, heartfelt entry about how nauseated,pissed off,annoyed I feel(but I'm not really good at these things).About how people are nice to you at one time, and the next thing you know they're treating you like crap. And then they're back to being nice again. It's like a cycle. I don't get these people. How you treat people depends on your mood? If you're down, you can just decide that you want to be rude and snappy and ignoring people? And if you're on cloud nine, you're supernice?
A short but very useful advice to all the girls out there: If your BFF shows no sign of quitting the university, then hang on to her! If she shows signs of leaving, quickly find a new BFF! I've gone through 3 sems in university without a BFF and you know what? IT SUCKS. I've met lots of people, some are nice, some aren't. Like the people I've just mentioned.These people act as if they're the only ones who's stressed, with problems. Well, other people aren't as happy with their lives as you think they are.
There's a Japanese proverb that says: Be kind, for others you meet are fighting a harder battle.
So be nice people!!

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