Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Last day semester 1 2009/2010

Today is a happy day for me.

Coz today is my last day for final exam.

After exam, Safiah planned to buy me ice cream coz I scanned for her the past year papers for Highway & Transportation Engineering :p But I was really, really hungry and ice cream wasn't enough to satisfy my hunger so I suggested we go for lunch. So we drove to the foodcourt.

When we arrived there, we suddenly lost appetite for the food there. So Safiah suggested we go to Secret Recipe in Bangi. I said, "Tak mahal ke awak nak belanja Secret Recipe?" coz to me, paying me RM15 just for scanning 6 images is too much.

Safiah said, "OK,makan kat foodcourt je."

I asked, "Nak makan apa?"

We could not decide. Then Safiah finally made the final decision, "Jom la pegi Secret Recipe! Hari ni special sikit, dah habis exam."

So off we went. On the way to Secret Recipe, we changed our mind again (we are fickle-minded people). Bangi or Alamanda? Alamanda has a lot of variety of food. So we went to Alamanda.

At Alamanda, we couldn't decide (again) what to eat. Chicken Rice Shop? Secret Recipe? Nandos? Finally, we settled for Nandos.

We spent hours there. Our food arrived late. So we talk, and talk nonstop. I can talk about a lot of things with Safiah, even though mostly our topics are limited to dieting and civil engineering.

Anyway, Safiah decided to belanja me in the end as a birthday treat (my birthday was on 4th February 2009). Yeah, my friends do a lot of funny stuffs.

After lunch, we still didn't wanna go home. We went to MPH. Both of us are the type who would spent HOURS in a bookstore. Safiah is the only friend of mine who likes to read. Oh, I think Wani is a bookworm too coz I always see novels in her car. But not sure whether she really reads them or not!

Anyway, memang best spend time kat MPH with Safiah. We both went our separate ways and when we're done, we call each other. My friends who do not read, they would usually tag along with me and yawn every 5 minutes.

Within a few minutes in MPH, Safiah had grabbed 3 books (mostly religious books. She's very religious). And I've picked 3 books as well... The Time Traveller's Wife, Handle With Care (Jodi Picoult) and The Lovely Bones (or was it The Lonely Bones?). Both of us memang gila buku! But in the end only Safiah bought those books. I didn't buy, coz now I can control my spending habits. And if I wanna buy them in future, I can just go to Popular (I have discount card) or go to Book Xcess(half price).

We planned to go back latest by 3pm (Zohor prayers) , but we've lost track of time (Astaghfirullahalazim!). Hehe. We went back when it was almost 4pm. On the way home, all we talked about is highway and transportation (sebab last paper highway).

"Safiah awak nak merge kat major road kat depan tu!"

"Tapi sini tak payah kira gap acceptance,Nana. Sini signalized."

"Haa...kita sekarang tengah laju kat horizontal curve ni."

"Kereta awak ni memang guna betul2 lane width 3.6m kan?"

"Aah. Tapi lane width sini macam kecik je. Eh kat depan tu ada traffic control device."

"Bumps pun considered traffic control device ke?"

Haha poyo je.

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