Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cupcakes and dolls

Last week I went to KLCC and saw some scrumptious-looking cupcakes at Bakin' Boys. I wanted to try it but my mum said it's overpriced and probably doesn't taste as good as homemade ones. So I sulked like a little kid.

Today went to KLCC again coz I wanted to find the Marks & Spencer Lavender 3-in-1 Body, Room and Linen Spray. I was determined to try the cupcake. And my mum, she's being kind this time, agreed. She even tried one too.

The cupcake was delicious. Very sweet though. RM4 each.

My cupcake!

I remember the time when everyone was crazy about those cute cupcakes. At that time I could only find cupcakes in Damansara. Lots of cupcake shops there. Cupcake Chic,Wondermilk (Up until now I still dunno where on earth is Wondermilk). It's hard to find cupcakes here in Ampang, and I tried searching for it when I'm in Subang. None!

Now cupcakes are available in Ampang. Yeay! I've tried those cupcakes at one of the kiosks in Great Eastern mall. Taste really good, not too sweet. A large sized cupcake cost RM3.50, and it's RM10 for three. That's the cheapest cupcake I could find.

You can also try the cupcakes at The Lawn, KLCC. Yummy as well. Priced at RM5 each I think.
At Cupcake Chic, it's RM4.50 each.

Anyway, back to the main objective why I went to KLCC. I couldn't find the 3-in-1 spray. Instead, I bought the lavender anti-perspirant deodorant. I thought the deodorant is like Impulse, you can use it as a body spray as well. But it's not! The M&S deodorant left a white residue after you spray it. Kind of ruined whatever fabric that you spray it on. Inilah akibatnya nak berjimat cermat sangat. I was hesitant to spend RM177 on the L'Occitane lavender spray, and RM120 for Crabtree & Evelyn lavender water.

OK, the lavender thing is a big dissappointment. Buttttt....I found something that I really like at Kinokuniya. Momiji dolls!In other words, those cute Japanese dolls. (I never grow up, always young at heart :) )

I bought one of the dolls. It's sooo hard to pick which one I like coz all of them are so supercute! I finally decided on a doll called "Clever Clogs." Each dolls has its own personality.

This is Clever Clogs


For example, this doll is called "Laughing." Personality? "I like integral calculus!," it says on the box. By the way, the dolls come in a noodle box.

My doll, Clever Clogs, likes boys who wear glasses. Same as me. Or more specifically, a boy with glasses. Hehe.

The doll comes with a really nice box!

It is protected by an inflated pillow as well

The badge and sticker included in the box

Next I'm gonna buy Funny Girl. She likes alfalfa sprouts and quiz shows. Isn't she adoreable???
Funny Girl


My mum likes Giggles. I don't. I think she looks fat.

This is Pixie. I like her colour. But she looks like one of those Jepun celup. Asians look weird with blond hair ok!

I like Soul too. But her eyes are so sepet.

Anyway, a few days ago my dad attended a course. He got these books for free! These books are on my wishlist! :D

I'm so happy coz this week only 3 days of classes. Another reason why I'm happy is that even though yesterday I pigged out during the buffet lunch with Mr.Y's family at Hilton, eating all those cupcakes and chocs, my weight is still maintained at 45kg. *clap clap*


Anonymous said...

d dools r freaQin cuuuteeeeeeeeee!!!
nk gak!!

Nana said...

tu la..comel gile kan???i want them all

Noor Sazleen said...

hi nana, im one of ur silent reader, i loike tat doll so much! braper ye pricenyer?

Nana said...

thanks for reading my blog! doll tu pricenye rm36.90 each.