Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hibernation mode

If people who have trouble sleeping, we'd say they have insomnia.

I am the opposite of an insomniac.

I sleep way too much.

Every night, by 10pm, I'm already sleepy. If primary schoolers are forced by their parents to be in bed by 10pm, well, for me it's voluntary.
So if I sleep early, means that I get up early too right? No! It's really, really hard to me to wake up in the mornings. If I have 8am class, then it's perfectly understandable that it's hard for me to get up. But it's the same if I have 11am classes! Susah betul nak bangun.

I had plenty of sleep. 8 hours or maybe more. But I still fall asleep in class! Dah la tido awal, bangun lambat plak tu, and then boleh tido dalam kelas! Seriously there's something wrong with me.

Maybe it's because the subjects I'm taking this sem are all boring huh? That makes me fall asleep. Like today in Steel class, I sat in front, hoping that it will make me stay awake, but no. My eyes felt heavy and I yawned every 5 seconds. All my friends are wide awake!

OK, so I sleep early every night, I wake up late, and I fall asleep in class. There's more. After I got back from class, I collapse on my bed and sleep! I can't believe this. I'm sleeping in class AND I'm taking naps when I'm in my apartment too.

I tried taking a healthy, high energy wholegrain breakfast. I'm taking vitamins as well. Next I'm gonna try those oxygenated water. See if it works.

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