Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The interview

There's only one word to describe how my interview was...DISASTER!

I've never had any interview experience before, this is my first interview and with Shell. I don't wanna go into details about how horrific it was. All you should know is that...

-the interviewer didn't even ask me anything about myself, or education background, what I now about their company or my working experience or normal questions they'll ask at an interview. When I came into the room, she asked me questions about some issues that global companies faced and me, as the CEO wtf, are supposed to come up with come strategies on how to overcome that! Omg I'm just applying as an intern, I'm not planning to take over the company!

-I always tersasul

-the interviewer shook her head many times when I answered, as if to say, "God, she's an idiot!"

So, there goes my first interview. I'll just wait for an e-mail of rejection in a few weeks time.


Nana said...

eyhh...i thot i approved wani's comment.where is it??
so anyway, wani, u dont have to worry coz i think practical training biasenye takde je mengade buat interview :p

dyan . said...

hi unitenian.. hehe..
hmm shell biasa la.. hehe.
hmm.. tapi ada jugak company buat interview utk practical.
but not as tough as interview untuk kerja betul la..
just relax2 borak2..
err.. except shell.. hehe

anyway.. gud luck..

Nana said...

dyan: hmm tu ckp,sumtimes ada company yg pgl interview utk practical,tp jz nak get to know u tu interview mcm la kite nak apply for some top management position.