Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Saturday, November 29, 2008

My boring blog

I'm not in blogging mood nowadays.

I'm not sure why.

I know I've posted some entries. But it's because I feel I have to. Coz it's holiday. And I have nothing to do. Holidays are the best time to blog. Once you're busy, you don't have time to fill in about what's going on in your life. But somehow, I feel like my life is more interesting when I'm busy.

And I'm not keen on taking pictures anymore. Mr.Y kept on asking for my pictures.

I've finished reading Remember Me. The bestest book ever. Makes me happy when I read it.

I tried reading one of Cecelia Ahern's books, A Place Called Here. Cecelia Ahern is a bestselling author and people described her works as "magical." That's why I bought her books. I'm glad I only bought the cheap edition ones. Her books makes me feel depressed.

I much prefer Sophie Kinsella's funny kind of writing.

*Sigh* I read other people's blogs and they're so interesting.


Anonymous said...

remember me nye ending mcm.. x best kot.. tahh.. it was a good story but i really dun like how she writes d ending

Nana said...

Yeah..I don't like the ending coz she puts on weight again! Haha. But I'm glad she ended up with Jon.