Oversharing with the Internet since 2007

Friday, November 21, 2008

Survey #1

1. How many cars have you ever owned?
Only one. I'm just a simple person with no income and a huge student loan debt to pay :(

2. Can you do math in your head well?
No. I'm soo used to the calculator. Now I even need a calculator to find out whats 19 + 8 *sigh*

3. What's your least favorite chore to do around the house?
Sweeping the floor coz I'm allergic to dust! Just one minute of sweeping is usually followed by one hour of sneezing afterwards.

4. What's your favorite flavor of potato chip?
Sour cream and onion. But actually it depends on the brand also.

5. Do you ever read the weather forecast?
Only when I'm travelling to another country. I couldn't care less about the weather in Malaysia.

6. Do amusement park rides make you sick?
No. But that's because I only go on the kids rides! Haha.

7. Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
I don't watch Star Wars or any movies with weird looking characters.

8. What kind of cheese do you put on your sandwiches?
Ermm...single slice, reduced fat.

9. What radio station do you listen to the most?
Sinar f.m :p I'm so old!!!

10.Who was the last person to give you a gift?
Mr. Y. Crystal bracelet, crystal necklace, some other crystals and a cute shoulder bag from Africa! But the bag's strap is torn a bit and I haven't bring it to the tailor for repair. The last time I attempted to sew it myself I accidently poke the needle into my thighs. Ouch!

11. How old were you when you got your driver's license?

12. What was the first thing you ever learned how to cook?
Maggi, of course.

13. Did you ever collect beanie babies?
I got one free from McDonalds. But I don't collect them. But I think they're cute though.

14. When was the last time you got a haircut?
Last week! I trim my fringe.

15. Have you ever been to a bachelor/bachelorette party?
No. I'm not really into these stuffs.

16. How many people can you say you TRULY love?
Three. My parents and Mr.Y. I can't say I love Koko coz the question asked "how many PEOPLE."

17. Where are you most ticklish on your body?
I can't tell coz once my secret is out, someone will use this weakness against me!!Haha...just kidding. I'm not ticklish. But I love to tickle people! So beware.
(If you are tall-ish, skinny, brown-skinned, wears glasses, and drives a black car, you're my favourite target)

18. Do you like kids?
Yes. Especially if they are cute. Haha so discriminating!

19. Have you ever cheated on a test?
Never. But I've let others copy my test. Countless times. I'm so nice.

20. Is your next birthday coming up soon?
Yes. 4th February. 3 months more to go. Everyone please take note!!! And give me some pressies!!

21. Have you ever bailed anyone out of jail?
No. There's no loser or trouble-maker in my family or my social circle.

22. What's the last board game you played?
Monopoly. Yeah, I have a Monopoly. Everytime people come to my house and they saw it, they'll ask me, "What???You have one???But you're an only child!" Ask me again and I'll cry.

23. Have you ever given someone a fake phone number?
Yes. When I was in form 1, this guy had a crush on me and I gave him Domino's Pizza number instead of mine. He called. HAHAHA.

24. Do you actually eat 3 meals a day?
Of course. I never skip my meals to avoid carb craving.

25. Do you have any bumper stickers on your car?
No. But I'm looking for one though, to put at the rear window. Something funny and witty to warn off tailgaters. God I hate them.Right now my car is clean. No stuff toys, no bumper stickers. All I have is an umbrella and steering lock inside.

26. Do you leave good tips when you eat out at restaurants?
No. In Malaysia we don't tip. But we have to pay the government tax.

27. What's your favorite thing to eat at bbqs?
Get this--I've never been to a BBQ party!!! The only thing BBQ that I've eaten is potato chips. And hotdogs dipped in BBQ sauce.

28. Do you still own any VHS tapes?
What is that? Is it the rectangular black tapes? I think I still have it. Beauty & the Beast and Tom & Jerry series which I bought 15 years ago.

29. How many of your friends have you known for at least 5 years?
Aween, Yana, Izreen...

30. Are you superstitious?
Yes! I follow all the petua orang tua. Like, only cut your fingernails on Monday, Thursday, Friday. And don't take pictures of your cat. I haven't taken any pics of Koko coz I'm afraid she'll die or get lost.

31. What was your favorite book as a child?
Maths Wizardry for Kids. But I only pretend to read it so people will think I'm a maths genius.

32. Have you lied to anyone in the last 24 hours?
Can't remember.

33. What's the most expensive restaurant you've ever eaten at?
I don't know. All restaurants have almost same prices right? Except for hotels.

34. How many jobs have you had?
NONE. That's why my resume is so boring.

35. Are you keeping a secret from anyone right now?
What kind of question is this?

36. What's the smallest town you've ever visited?
I'm not sure. When I visit a place, I only care about the distance of shops from my hotel. I'm not keen on the geographical aspects.

37. If there was a real Jurassic Park, would you visit it?
No, unless if Mr.Y wants to.

38. Have you ever gone golfing?
No. I don't even understand how the game is played. Seems like a pretty boring game to me.

39. What's your favorite kind of soup?
Creamy mushroom soup. Yummy!

40. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
Please don't ask me this. I only have a bike with three wheels at the back. So I don't have to learn to ride it.

41. Do you know any sign language?
No. I'm have no special talents or skills whatsoever. I'm a boring person.

42. If you became famous for something, what would it be?

43. How many friends do you have that are married?
About 4-5. Not close to them though.

44. Do you ever read the newspaper?
Of course.

45. When you're having a bad day, how do you make yourself feel better?
Talk to Mr.Y

46. Do you still have your wisdom teeth?
My wisdom teeth haven't grown yet.

47. Did you have a swingset in your yard when you were a child?
No. That's why I'm so jakun when I go to other people's houses that has a swing.

48. Have you ever played poker for money?

49. You're making a fruit salad: what kinds of fruit do you put in it?
Strawberry, kiwi, peach, orange, watermelon, ermm grapes?

50. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number?

51. What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
Nang Nak. The Thai movie.

52. Do you eat your mac & cheese with a fork or a spoon?
Fork. Savour it bit by bit. Mmmm....

53. Where did you have your first kiss?
I can't remember. So many people kissed me when I was a baby. Haha.

54. When you were a kid, were you ever afraid of cooties?
Hmm...I guess. Coz I all the adults told me, don't come near this or that, you might get sick.

55. Do you ever go Christmas caroling in December?
I don't celebrate Christmas. But Muslims, they have nasyid instead of caroling. And yes, I used to perform in a nasyid band when I was in school. We won first place. But I only lip sync.

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