It has been a really tough semester. Maybe coz I take 5 subjects (17 credit hour). My limit is 4 subjects only per sem. If I take more than that, I'll get sick OR I'll go nuts. Yeah, seriously, my brain capacity is THAT small.
However, I'm unable to enjoy my freedom so much. Coz my last paper, which is Hydrology & Hydraulic,is so freakin tough! Other papers not as tough as this one. Eeee tension. I don't know how my result will turn out! I hope everything will be fine. *worry*worry*
Those papers which I think were OK, maybe I've made some stupid mistakes too. Like my Malaysian Studies paper.
Question: Siapakah ketua pembangkang di Malaysia?
Answer: a)Whoever lah...I can't remember
b)Lim Kit Siang
c)Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim
d)Karpal Singh
My answer:B
After the exam, I called my bf.
"Sape ketua pembangkang?"
Goshhh. I really need to brush up my political knowledge. Which totally sucks, you know. Coz I don't read the papers, except Pancaindera and Malay tabloids like Harian Metro. I feel really stupid coz all of my friends know who is the Malaysian opposition leader :( And I don't!
Studying for finals was such a TORTURE. It's so hard to study coz there are lots of distractions at home. My mum always hasut me to watch TV with her. And I always give in to temptations.
OK, enough moaning about exam. Today I checked out of my apartment. Mr.Y fetched me in Uniten and we went to Summit coz I wanted to look for some DVDs. Nothing interesting though. Then we went to Sunway Pyramid. Bought a cleanser, toner and moisturizer at Watsons. Mr.Y belanja me dinner at Nando's. They have a new sideline, grilled vegetables.
I'm not really a fan of eggplants, capsicum and cucumber (I love leafy vegetables) but the Nando's grilled vege is not bad. Very juicy and rich in flavour. Yummy.
1)I manage to get through the finals without any help from coffee.
I'm more of a tea person. I don't really like coffee. So during the final exam season, if I'm sleepy, I go to bed. I only seek help from eye creams. Hehe.
2)I don't gain weight or get pimples
Usually, during finals, I always gain weight and get pimples coz of hormone imbalance due to stress. I think I manage stress very well now :)
Tomorrow I better start cleaning my room. It looks like a dumpster.
And todayyy, I've discovered my true ambition! Before this I've wanted to become an accountant, dietitian, nurse. Now I want to become a designer! I know this is just a phase and I'll change again soon, but now I'm just sooo excited and I wanna start drawing things with Autocad during the hols!
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