Monday, December 31, 2007
Last post for this year
1.Limit weighing myself to once a week.
Current rate is twice a day.
2.Stop squeezing out spots!
Leaves blemishes on my face and I'll have to use concealer.Bummer.
3.Stop reading crap fashion magazines
They're all written by old people, at least 30 years old, cynically manipulating my tender emotions (by giving the idea that if you don't like this celeb or that celeb, you're not beautiful and then I turn to the next page, it says that we should all be happy with who we are coz we're all gorgeous. CRAP, I tell you). Plus, I don't need to know the latest trends (I can always window shop) or have people telling me what's cool and what's not , and I certainly don't give a damn who's expecting a baby or who's breaking off, who got drunk and end up in jail. MORE crap.
4.Study hard
I made this resolution every year and then did not stick to it. *Sigh*
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Day out wif friends!
Btw, watched this documentary on how they build KLCC. Apparently the engineers have towork at 3am!! No way I'm gonna become a civil engineer! I need my beauty sleep!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
This morning, I weighed myself and I'm 48.4kg :)
PS I Love You
Btw, got the cleansing milk back from my mum :D. Gave her the lip gloss instead. Heehee.
I love Clinique!
Went to KLCC. I'm obssessed with my skin and makeup now.
Shopping spree at Clinique. Bought an eye concealer, lippie (shade: peach blossom) and Turnaround 15'' Facial (finally!), plus free handbag, free lip gloss,free sunblock and free cleansing milk.
The Clinique lady also gave me a "prescription" on how my skin care regime is supposed to be. Guess what?? IT HAS 7 STEPS!!
1.Remove makeup
3.15'' facial
7.Sunblock first thing in the morning.
There...the steps on How to Have Great Skin. I think if you do this every night, you're skin will look as smooth as a mannequin's. No way I'll cope with this with my busy schedule. But I might change my mind though. Who knows, if suddenly I feel like I want a new skin w/out plastic surgery, I might go through all the trouble and start the 3-step skincare system.
After blewing my 1 month allowance at Clinique, planned to check out if there's a sale at Nine West, but then felt guilty about spending too much. After all, I already got a Clinique bag. Everywhere is on sale. Christmas. I wanted to buy the entire mall! And Goddd, I hate people who walks at snail pace at the crowded ground floor!
I made the mistake by offering my mum the Clinique cleansing milk. She took it. And then just when I was about to give it to her, I noticed the instruction : Apply to face, then cleanse with water or tissue off. I'VE ALWAYS WANTED A TISSUE-OFF CLEANSER!! Sometimes I'm so busy and tired that removing makeup at night is an ordeal. But what to do? I can't be buruk siku, taking back the things that I've given away. But I'll make a mental note to myself, if ever I'm looking for a makeup remover, BUY CLINIQUE'S CLEANSING MILK!!!
Check out those orange-flavoured Clinique Happy lollypops. Adoreable. I feel like keeping them forever as decoration and not eating them.
Hmm...between Clinique and Benefit, I prefer Clinique. Benefit's products are awesome, with cute packaging, but even though Clinique's packaging are a bit dull, but at least you can get lots of free stuffs and samples from them. One rule of satisfying shopping spree at Clinique: don't just buy one item, try to get the free gifts.
Learnt a couple of useful beauty tips today.
1)The lady at Himalaya said that dandruff shampoo is to be used as a treatment, when needed. Don't use it all the time coz your scalp with get used to it, and when you stop, the dandruff will come back. Which is why when I bought the protein shampoo, she gave me a small bottle of dandruff shampoo to be used when needed. I also got a free but hideous toiletries bag. But who cares? We all love free stuffs.
2)Pink-based concealer doesn't conceal your dark circles that well, instead, makes your eyes look puffier. TRUE. Own experience.
3)Wearing powder with SPF isn't enough, you still need to wear a sunblock!
Got 3 RM10 shopping vouchers at I Setan. Gave it to my dad, he deserves it more and he rarely shopped (I'm being very generous today. Clinique Cleansing Milk to mum, and shopping vouchers to dad). I thought my dad would decline my offer, but instead he took it gratefully and headed straight to the ISetan men's section. And surprisingly, he bought whatever I think is nice! So weird, he never agreed on MY choice,he's always picky. But today, he went for everything that I picked. I picked modern, trendy, up-to-date collared t-shirts, instead of boring, old polo shirts. Or maybe my taste in men's fashion has improved ever since I got a boyfriend?
Saturday, December 22, 2007
On the way to KLIA, tried the new KLP highway. No difference, still took us plus minus 40minutes to get there, just that there's no jam.
At the airport, went to the chocolate shop and spotted this cute cat soft toy that comes with a packet of Kinder Bueno Schoko-Bons, so I bought it. I love collecting soft toys.Hee hee.
After a 30 minutes flight, arrived in wet and windy JB. Even though I've just shampooed my hair the other day, it's oily and flat. I dunno what is it with the air in JB, but everytime I go there, my hair is oilier than fried chicken.
One more thing I don't like about going back to JB is the food there. Ohmygod, there's briyani, laksa, soto, nasi tomato, lontong, ketupat, sambal kacang...The weather doesn't helps either, it's rainy and I feel hungry all the time. But when I was binging on the briyani, I found a dead fly. Gross. That instantly killed my appetite.
On Friday, went to City Square. The cab driver complained about how there are many cabs in JB but not many people wanna ride them. He said the govenment should do something about this, like do a research on taxi demand or something. I agree, coz in KL lots of people depend on taxis but they're always unavailable. Taxi drivers here can be so picky, especially during peak hours.
Anyway, bought some DVDs, 2 necklaces (which I don't know WHEN I'll be wearing them, I only wear 1/4 of my wardrobe), hairclips, ZA eyeshadow, and the Cecelia Ahern novel(finally!). Hmm about the novel, it's the same as Marian Keyes' Anybody Out There, about a woman coping with the death of her husband. But frankly I think Anybody Out There is miles better than P.S.I Love You. In Anybody Out There, I can't get through a chapter without bawling my eyes out. Haha.
City Square was crowded that day, I could barely walk.
Was bored to death in JB. My dad sleeps 24-7, and my mom was always busy chatting with my grandmother or her maid. Either that or she's yakking on her mobile phone. She has her mobile phone permanently glued to her ear. At home, I'm starting to get irritated whenever the phone rings.
On Friday evening, went to my late maternal grandmother's house. My diabetic uncle has swollen toe. Diabetic sucks. You can't afford to get wounded, or get blisters on your feet, coz it's hard to heal. Or maybe it won't heal at all. I dunno. You can't eat rice, can't eat almost everything. Prevention is better than cure! It's better that we control our diet at early age than suffer when we're old.
Anyway, my uncle isn't on a strict diet. He still eats tarts and all. He even force fed me some sort of cake with red beans filling (I hate red beans). Didn't eat it, asked my mum what it was. She said "Kuih Jepun from Muar." Whatever that is.
I'm as fat as a baby whale right now. Got a date tomorrow. Tried on my lovely Dorothy Perkins LBD, I can't button it on at the stomach! And one button even popped out! God, I'm so depressed. I HAVE to lose weight. Thankfully my favourite brown dress still fits me, but as I'm putting it on, I heard a rip at the seams. =( I WANNA BE THIN!!
Seriously I think my family should go back to JB less. The more we go there, the more boring it gets. If we only go back once in a while, then I'd be looking forward to it.
Ooh one more highlight! On the flight back to KL...
the stewardess gave me a bag of postcards and junk food, which are meant for kids!!
I wonder, do I look like a 7-year-old??
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
7 things
1. I'm short
2. I took second sem subjects when I'm in my fourth sem
3. I remember a lot of useless things
4. I like sushi
5. My favourite pastime is shopping
6. I worry a lot
7. I love makeup
7 Lesser Known Things About You
1. I live alone, coz when I'm in, my housemates are out and vice versa.
2. When I'm bored I like to squeeze out my blackheads. Gross, I know.
3. I'm a hypochondriac.
4. I have no respect for people who got Deans List but ask others to sign attendance for them.
5. I hate my's so slow.
6. I am not photogenic.I have to take pictures 100x just to get one right picture.
7. I daydream a lot.
7 Wishes
1. That one day my boyfriend will tell me that LOTR sucks, and he really mean it.
2. That Sushi King will open a branch near my house.
3. To be taller.
4. To be smarter.
5. To be prettier.
6. To graduate a.s.a.p!
7. To get married and have a bunch of beautiful kids.
7 Things You Like About Yourself
1. People have no clue what race I am when they first met me.
2. I'm v determined.
3. I'm friendly.(Just a bit shy sometimes :p)
4. I'm ambitious (is it a good thing??)
5. I'm a loyal friend...n gf :p
6. I can be funny sometimes...if u get my joke...haha
7. I get to travel a lot.
7 Things You Dont Like About Yourself
1. My body.
2. My lower set of teeth.
3. My mood swings.
4. The fact that I did not switch to civil eng during my foundation!
5. I can't speak French/Spanish/German/Japanese/Korean fluently
6. I have no musical talents whatsoever
7. I'm a bad driver.
7 Things On Your Mind Right Now.
1. When is the next Nine West sale?
2. Trip to Johor tomorrow...sooo not looking forward
3. My sick bf
4. Can the lecturers finish all the syllabus this sem, since there's a lot of holidays?
5. Date this Sunday
6. Sudoku...I wanna play sudoku. Downloaded the game into my phone and now I'm hooked.
7. The pen drive containing South Park season 2 that I forgot to bring home
7 Things You Hope To Accomplish Soon
1. Pass MOM (with good grade) so that I can take Structure I next sem.
2. Pass Fluid (with good grade) so that I can take Hydrology next sem.
3. Pass Project Management, so I can take up EIS during the special sem n waste no time.
4. Pass Islamic I so I can take Islamic II.
5. Lose weight a bit.
6. Read P.S.I Love You coz practically everyone in the world has read it and I don't wanna be left out.
7. I just wanna get through this sem and the following sem smoothly, without any problem.
Today, at 2pm, I will be going back to second least favourite place in the world, after Uniten. How am I going to survive there for three days?? I can't update my blog there coz I'm still blur about mobile blogging, seems like I got the settings wrong or something, coz I can't blog from my phone! My bf is hard to contact too :(
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
My first fluid lab
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday blues...
Hee this is sooo much fun, more holidays coming up in the coming weeks! This week, I'm having another break again starting from Thursday til next Tuesday! And the following week, from Friday til Tuesday! Awesome.
I just can't wait to graduate. Another 2 years! Grrr...
Anyway, was reading this magazine the other day and came across this article that gives the best ever advice I've ever heard for long-lasting relationship.
Don't heat up old sins for supper, exercise selective amnesia.
But well, it's kind of hard to me to fake amnesia sometimes, especially when I'm hormonally unstable, I just HAVE to bring up old sins. =(
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Me..then and now
The year was 1997, age 10. Standard four at SK Tmn Maluri. School prefect. My best friend was Yasmin. I was an extrovert. Whenever teachers asked question, my hand was always the first to shoot up and answer. It was always me, no one else. The teacher was like "Asyik dia ni je,takde orang lain ke nak jawab??" But still no one volunteered to answer, so I continued to raise hand every single day. At the beginning of the year, I was sort of cute.Clear,fair skin with soft silky-straight hair. And then by the end of the year, I became darker and my hair was getting coarser and all my cuteness just dissappeared.
5 years ago I was :
I was 15 years old, year 2002. Best friend was Lynn. I became DARKER, chubbier and I got zits on my face. I was into rock music and rock bands and the rock chick look. My idol was Avril Lavigne. I wore combats, wallet chains and I love anything to do with the skater-punk look. I listened to her album over and over again and thought that her songwriting is the best thing ever, and why couldn't I come up with such brilliant songs like that? My best friend was against these whole Avril-wannabe thingy. "Insaflah,Li," she said. I didn't listen to her. That year I was sitting for PMR and was so stressed that I got lots of pimples on my skin. They were not pimples, more like white-coloured pustules. Gross! Thanks to the skin specialist at Ampang Puteri, my skin were cured and now became fairer and clearer. Everyone was amazed. That year also, I wanted so badly to become a gymnast. Whenever there's gymnastics during gym class, I was excited. But gymnasts start at young age, and I was already 15 so my body is as stiff as a piece of wood.
1 year ago I was:
Age 19, at university.I've lost some of the baby fat, my skin condition got better too. Hair doesn't improve much, as I got highlights and perm and then my hair was ruined. Taste in clothes improved too. Dorky glasses replaced with contacts.Started my first semester in civil engineering. Took CE materials, drafting & autocad, malay language and environmental engineering. I had one close friend that time and we switched from electrical to civil engineering together. We only had 1 lab together (sieve analysis for aggregates, I remember) and then she left. We didn't even make concrete mix together. So much for friends forever. It was shitty time for me, having to get through a new course alone, with new people. But I'm glad I had my bf with me that time.
Yesterday I was:
20 years old, second year. I got a layered haircut with a bad fringe. Worrying about whether or not people wanna be in the same lab group with me. Been together with my bf for about 1 1/2 year now. I live with a neurotic cat named Koko, she is such a monster. I'm a bit bloated, and is obsessed with drinking 8 glasses of water per day.
30 Random Facts About Me
I have low confidence on my looks!
2.I loathe sci-fi,fantasy, not-in-the-real world movies
E.g Harry Potter, Narnia, Star Wards, Lord of the Rings or any movies in which the characters have magical powers or deformed faces.
3.I can't never walk out of Dorothy Perkins without having to buy something
I can always find something I want in there. A top, handbag or purse...
4.One of my "talents" is speed reading.
Sometimes I try to read a book real slow, coz if I finish it one day, I feel like I've wasted my money in just a blink of an eye.
5.My #1 weakness--bags!
If I spot a cute bag(which happens most of the time), I had to have it!
6.Sensors at the aiport baggage scan scares the hell out of me
I just hate it when it bleeps. Two words: body search.
7.I'm not celeb-crazy
Sure, I read Top of the Pops, TV Hits and Smash Hits(whatever happen to this mag??Still exist?) as a teen, but now at 20, I just couldn't care less. But I still adore Lindsay Lohan though.
8.I hate amphibians and reptiles
They're so slimy and fugly.
9.I'm allergic to cats
But I love them!
10.I hate it when people talk while they're eating
I can't stand the sound they make. Chomp, chomp, chomp...
11.I'd like to be taller
I feel bad when people coo over my "cute" size.
12. I'm born with high heels
I never wear flats. Refer to #11.
13.I watch almost every season of ANTM but didn't follow long enough to see who wins the show
I NEVER know who are the winners of ANTM.
14. I don't like it when I own the same thing as other people do
Be it a dress, a handphone or a bag...I like to be different.
15.My favourite colour is green
People think it's pink coz I always end up with pink stuffs and wear pink clothes.
16.As a kid, I was a tomboy
But I grew up to be girlish.
17. I eat my burger without ketchup/chilli sauce
I like it plain.
18.I love photography
But I can't take a nice,decent picture to save my soul.
19.I'm a good listener
Try me =)
20.I talk real fast
Especially when I'm excited.
21.I walk really fast too
Burn more calories! that's just the way I am.
22. I have a pretty good stamina but weak strength
Once I walked about 10km from Jelatek putra station to my house and I wasn't THAT tired but I can't carry a laptop case long enough without feeling like breaking my shoulder.
23.I love compliments
Who doesn't?
24. I have a bad general knowledge
25.I never understand dynamics
And I never understand why I got B+ for the subject either.
26.I've never had a hairstyle that I really like.
Or if I really do love it, it won't last. Like the time when I perm my hair, I think it last for a less than a week. And I spent ages at the hairdresser!
27.I used to think that Emily the Strange is cute
But when I see lots of people having her stuff, naaah...
28.I don't like durians.
The taste...the smell...urghh!!!
29.I love London so much
I go there practically every year.
30.I started to get homesick not during my first year in university, but after I had spent two years there=(
Siamese cat up for sale!
Happy Birthday Yasser!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Why do other ppl have great hair except me?
Saturday, December 8, 2007
i'm fat
frankly i think the features of cybershot cameras are so overrated. it's not that great anyway. makes u look yellow and even the slightest shake of the hand can cause in an extremely blurred more thing, i really need to lose some weight. took some pics with my nikon just now and i looked like a baloon. why do cameras hate me these days??
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Countdown to mid term break: 63 days
1. The m.o.m lecturer changed the Friday class to Thursday.
2.I managed to join section 1 for project management.
3.Which means I have no class on Friday.
4.Which means I have long weekend.
5.I got an e-mail from the Islamic lecturer, saying that there'll be no night classes at the mosque until further notice.
6.No CE subjects offered for Islamic extra classes.
7.I got a new housemate and she seems nice.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Countdown to mid term break: 65 Days
First day of class
Tried updating this blog last night but Internet connection was very poor. Arrived in Uniten last night and I've met one of my housemates and she seems quite nice.
Anyway I'm glad I didn't sell of my old phone coz it has such a good camera and walkman. This new phone, the camera is kinda crappy. I've always hated Cybershot cameras, since my schooldays. We took a class photo using Cybershot camera and I thought I look OK but when I saw the pic, I look dreadful.
Anyway, about my first's awful. First thing in the morning, I heard the sound of a lizard. Uh-oh, not good. Afraid that it'll be lurking somewhere in my room.
Then went to my first class, which is a lab. No lab.
Fine. Added project management and Islamic I and then went to my second class. Full of first year students and I was Betty-No-Mates, sitting at the back alone, feeling pathetic.
I can't wait till weekend.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
I didn't even celebrate with my bf our results =(
Saturday, December 1, 2007
New phone n first visit to Pavillion
3 weeks is not enough for a holiday. I borrowed some textbooks for next sem,hoping that I could read them during this holiday and prepare ahead, but guess what? I didn't even TOUCH them.
Anyway, gloominess aside, I'm quite happy today coz I got my new phone!! It's a Sony Ericsson cybershot phone. Not the latest one, but the older version, the camera is 2mp only and it makes me look horrible. I prefer my old phone's camera.
And today, I finally went to Pavillion! Like the Gardens, it's full of branded stores. LOTS of brands, you just name it, it's there. But unlike the Gardens, there's a crowd there. Probably coz Pavillion has 'normal' stores like Watsons and newstands n KFC n Nandos. At the Gardens, the restaurants are classy Thai and Japanese restaurants you've never heard of. One more thing, Pavillion has a huge foodcourt, the Food Republic. Lots of variety of food, but mostly Asian--Korean,Japanese,Vietnamese etc. I've lost count of sushi restaurants there. And I think there's more than one Korean restaurants too. Ate at this restaurant called Pastamania! where I ordered arrabiata, spicy blend of chillies and tomatoes. But at Pastamania! it's superspicy! They used cili padi and there were chilli seeds in the gravy. Duh!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
i don't really like heartbreak kid. ben stiller is the usual loser he was, just like in meet the parents. his wife (in da movie), lila, is superannoying and i don't like that miranda either.
i like georgia rule anyway.lindsay lohan is soo cool.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
grrreat spree with the bf.played bowling too. is there something wrong with the bowling alley at sunway pyramid or did i really sucked at it, coz i lost...big time. the score is secret. but i've never had that score when i bowl with my cousins or frenz. how cruel can life be? first time bowling with your bf, and u really suck at it. this is number 1 on my top 10 ultimate humiliation list. it's not that i want to remember what the other nine are. so, after this bowling with bf is an absolute no-no. unless if wanna make a complete fool of myself again.hee hee!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A few things that happened over my boring weekend
2.Had a sudden craving for Smarties. Searched for it at all the chocolate shops at the airport(all Smarties were sold in way I'm gonna buy them n gain some more weight), at petrol stations, at the Johore ferry pick up point(yup,I went THAT far)...and NO Smarties. Finally, I found them at the supermarket at City Square on Sunday.
3.I'm fat now.
4.I've just realized that at the foodcourt at Kota Raya in JB, no one drinks mineral water. The limau ais there is GREEN in colour.
5.I'm addicted to Lecka Lecka's mango italian gelato. Thank God it's 99.99% fat free (according to the advert la!)
6.I've been having nightmares about getting ill, exam results, not being able to attend class next semester. Why eh?
7.My zits have dried up a bit! Yey!
8.All I ever did this holiday is stuff my face, sleep, watch tv,read books and waste my money.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The best books I've read so far...
2.The History of Lucy's Love Life in 10 1/2 Chapters-Deborah Wright
3.The Undomestic Goddess-Sophie Kinsella
4.Planet Janet-Dyan Sheldon
5.The Secret Life of a Shopaholic-Sophie Kinsella
6.Shopaholic & Sister-Sophie Kinsella
7.Forget About it-Caprice Crane
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Final exam is over
1.Arrange my study plan...again!
2.Watch movies on HBO, Cinemax and Star Movies nonstop...til I'm bored of watching them.
3.Clean my room...(it's not that messy or anything, just crowded with stuffs, and has become infested with lizards...gross!)
4.Sleep at 3am in the morning and wake up at noon.
5.Shopping every weekend til I'm broke.
6.Improve my 3S of fitness--stamina, strength and suppleness...(important lesson learnt in SRPB113)
7.Play with Koko the flying cat (no kidding...she can fly)
and lots more.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
raya = open houses = gaining weight
Friday, October 26, 2007
Anyways, there's this new condominium lot near my house known as Seri Hening. It's GORGEOUS and about 5mins to KLCC and I told my parents how cool it would be if I can live there. My mum told me to come up with some money if I wanna move out of our house and live there.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
It's not wisdom tooth!!
gave me two injection (yes!2 jabs coz my there's a BIG hole in my tooth) and the left side of my mouth felt really
numb. I can't talk, I can't eat. It's a nightmare. Not just that, my jaw felt tired and painful after having to
open my mouth for,like,ages. The chemicals used as filling taste real bad too! I almost puke.I have to take antibiotic. TWO antibiotics! He also gave me "A VERY STRONG PAINKILLER" (as written on the
medicine package). So now I have to take medication for my teeth AND for my lips. Bummer. Being sick really SUCKS.
This semester I'm sick most of the time. Fever (twice!), lips problems, toothache and lots of other prob.The doctor explained how this cavity happened. My cavity is at the last tooth at the back there(top row)...What is it called?Molar? Apparently, the teeth at the back is the area people often missed out when brushing their teeth,
so that's why it's easy to get cavity there. It's the most terrible feeling to have the left side of your face numb. I guess this is how people with stroke
feels. Gosh, I really must take care of my cholestrol level.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Wisdom tooth
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Selamat hari Raya!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Today is my last day of class before the break. .Even though it's only Raya holiday, and there'll still be classes after the break, I feel a bit down coz it already feels like the end of the semester. This semester has been a blast, even though a bit stressful, but it's great.And every year, I HAVE to go back to JB and 'celebrate.' . To me, it's cool to be all excited about raya if you're eight. If you're me, raya is all about studying for finals. Hehe.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Home sweet home
Lucky me, I went home and found that my mum has bought a large roll of tracing paper! For baking I think. But she said I can use them for practicing the stereonet! Yeay!
Koko is trying to act like a human now, like one of us. My mum will be putting up new curtains and she'll be climbing the window grill too as if to help. She's becoming quite useful too lately, killing bugs and cochroaches and lizards. Oh, and she drinks from mug too, not bowl.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Got back my DE test 2
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
How sad...
1)I have a bruised lips and there's no way I'm going out looking like that
2)I'm stuck at home studying dynamics
3)Friends are busy and Mum doesn't want to accompany me there because she's obsessed with baking now and refuses to leave the house.
4)Lots of things going on (grandmother coming over etc etc).
5)Lots of things happening at college(subject registration, talks etc etc)
Seems like my mum's new passion is baking now, ever since we started our little raya cookies project. I made two types of cookies and I stopped, I'm not addicted to baking or anything, but Mum just couldn't stop. She keeps making new cookies every day. That's all she does. Bake, bake, bake. Every weekend I break fast eating food from the stall, coz she rarely cooks anymore. But that's OK though. I love food from stalls, restaurants...
Friday, September 28, 2007
Visit to the doctor
P/S: This computer is so slow, it's working on my last nerve.
My current obsession...
I’m going to visit the skin specialist tomorrow. I know it's silly but I feel kinda nervous about it. What if my condition is no ordinary dry lips problem? What if it's something serious?? Urghh, I have to stop thinking about the what-ifs, else I'll stay awake all night.
Will update about my visit to the doc tomorrow. Hope everything's fine!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Status: Nana is homesick, Mood: Angry
God,I hate life now. Every weekend, there's always something preventing me from going home. Either a visit somewhere, a test or a stupid talk.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Why can't I study??
But it's good though. Nobody commented that I look tired,like last week. In fact, people asked me whether I'm fasting or not. Haha. I was THAT energetic. Those beauty tips about sleep and drinking lots of water is true after all. (Not that I drink lots of water today, I'm fasting!)
Anyway, now I'm installing some programs into my cool-looking-but-boring laptop, with the help of my brilliant IT housemates. I'm IT illiterate and installing programs and setting up a printer is like rocket science to me.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
My second batch of cookies!
My first batch of cookies!
Today in history! I made my first batch of cookies. That's right! The cookie monster finally BAKE her own cookies. Hehehe.I made it myself! I’ve made cookies before, but I didn’t really MADE them, if you know what I mean. I was just helping my aunt/grandma.
This year, mum decided to bake our own Raya cookies instead of buying them.
And me, frustrated with DE(haha...I’m exaggerating) decided to help her made the cookies. Who cares about engineering anyway? It’s time to act like a real lady and be more domesticated. Hahaha.
The cookies I made are called Rainbow Crystal Ball cookies (according to the recipe book) but actually the less glamourous name is biskut suji. Hahaha. One of my favourite cookies. Colourful with sugar coating. Yup, not reccomended for diabetics. Hehehe. I made them in pink, green and white. Green and pink are my fav colours.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Why am I so unlucky?
The tough questions...well, nothing much I can do about it. The simple ones, I think I made careless mistakes.
And I had another dynamics pop quiz this morning. Unprepared of course. =( The lecturer nearly gave the answer to me, and yet I still got it wrong. Gosh, how dumb can I be?
Rube goldberg machine project still not done. Rube goldberg machine--a machine that performs simple, everyday tasks in a complex way. My definition--machine for lazy people.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
And then...just when I was about to send...I had Internet problems. Started cursing at MSN and yahoo. Why am I so unlucky these days?? Is this the karma of the universe punishing me for not coming to geology lab last week, 2 DE lectures, dynamic class and all tutorials??
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Gewwwd news
Spend the day transferring all my files from the old laptop to the new one. Too hungry to study DE. Missing someone =(
Btw, Koko's condition is getting worse. She's so horny and she doesn't want to eat. At all. Now she has shrunken face and bulging eyes. She DOES look like a sphinx now.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Happy fasting month everyone!
Went home,at last. I had to be firm this time. If not, then I'll be spending today at the ICE talk and tomorrow visiting sites in Subang and Sepang =(
Today is the first time I saw a sphinx cat. At Pet's Wonderland. Expensive. So I can shave off Koko's fur and sell her off as a sphinx for RM10 000 right?? With that money, I can shop, shop, shop.
Just when I thought I could really relax, there's another DE test coming up this Friday. Time to start being a maths geek again!!
Btw, there's this cat that's been following me around apartment. Named her Casper, after the cute ghost. She's white, and has a really beautiful face.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
More misadventures of Nana
My surveying groupmate sent the result through e-mail and I can't open the attached file, but other people in the group can.
Worst of all, I got a toothache now. And it's killing me!!!
Today, got back my dynamics test 1. Got 14/20. If it's not for one careless,calculation mistake (just like what I did for DE), I would have got 15. Huhu. After giving back the test, the lecturer gave us a quiz! I got the free body diagram wrong to begin with.
Sports mid term today, the lecturer said anatomy, kinesiology and a bunch of other topics will be coming out but instead there were only 2 questions just now, asking the processes of planning a recreation trip and the reasons why I chose this subject as my elective.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I miss home
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Genting trip
My 2nd time...first trip when I was a baby, so I can't remember much.
Meeting point at Hentian Kajang. Then off to Genting. Passed by my house. Feels homesick =(
Roads to Genting very steep and narrow. Gives me a headache.
At the skyway station, there's this animal exhibition or something. Saw this cute little kangaroo jumping around. Funny that my first encounter with a kangaroo is in Genting,not in Australia. Hahaha. When held, the kangaroo made this complaining sound, like Koko does when she doesn't like people holding her. I reallyyy wanna go home and see that little monster.
Cable car ride--my second time too. First time was in Zurich. I wish they'll build a cable car from Ilmu to COE to BA and COIT. Hehe.
McD lunch. As expected, things there are twice the price than in KL.
Took pics, then went bowling. I haven't been bowling for a looong time. It's really fun when I tried it just now (the package inclusive of one free bowling game). But I'm not as good as before. Last time, in a single game, I can strike many times. Just now I strike once only =( Wani's reallyyy good, btw.
After bowling, Wani and I went for a karaoke session. The place wasn't that great. The karaoke box in Mines is miles better.
After karaoke, we went to the outdoor theme park. We had been on only one ride (The Flying Jumbo...ok, childish I know) and then thought of going on the Cyclone rollercoaster but it rained heavily. Then tried Pirate's Ride..Really dumb, not scary at all, but we had no choice as it was raining and that's the only ride available. Then Wani,Aie,Hafiz and me went indoor and decided to watch a 4D movie (I didn't know that there is such thing as 4D). Thought it'd be a cool movie. Wrong! We queued for quite a long time, just to watch a silly documentation about dinosaurs. I got a little dizzy from watching it, and it's kind of blur too. Can't believed I've paid RM8 to get dinosaurs blowing their breath into my face and then screaming at me. Plus, I had to wear this rediculous looking glasses.
After that, went outdoor again. Rain had stopped but there's a thick fog. Went on the spinning tea cup. Haha. Kiddies ride again. How adventurous.
At 6.30pm, went back to Uniten. Took a taxi from Hentian Kajang. The cab driver charged us RM15 (long story...). And then arriving in Uniten, I said there's two stops. Me in Ilmu, and Wani in Murni. He charged us RM3 extra. Fine, whatever. After Wani got off at her stop, he began asking me a bunch of questions and I was so tired and wasn't in the mood to talk,especially to strangers. So what I said was pretty much the same 'Yes' 'No' 'Maybe.' What is it with taxi drivers these days??
Arrived at my apartment, with a huge pile of laundry waiting for me.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
I'm sick again!!!
It all started yesterday morning, I woke up and feel like there's sand in my throat. And during surveying, I began sneezing. And last night...fever!!!
Didn't go to any classes today. Luckily,there's only one class today--dynamics. Sports in the evening was canceled, but there's some discussion regarding the genting trip this Saturday. But I did attend the dynamics group meeting coz I am(unfortunately) the leader of the group.
Goshhh I really have to get well before the trip!! And on Sunday I have this netball thingy to attend.
Went to the clinic. Got lots of medicine to take. I'm feeling sleepy all the time.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
End of hols! =(
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The (Mis)Adventures of Nana
JB, my beloved kampung. Not only I was getting ready in a rush, my dad couldn't send me and my mum
to KL sentral coz he's in a hurry to go to work. Nevermind, called a cab. No cab could come--it was
peak hour, people rushing to go to work, plus it was RAINING. So Dad sent us instead. He drove to the Raja Chulan monorail station, and accompanied us till we arrive at KL Sentral. I
really wish I could spend my hols sleeping til afternoon(I have morning classes everyday in Uniten).
Instead, there I was, walking around town early in the morning, carrying my grandma's heavy bags.
This isn't my idea of fun.Arrived in JB. Lots of relatives. Noisy. Brought along my sports notes but CAN'T STUDY at all. Two
days wasted, just like that. I can't be hanging around at my grandma's place with nothing to do
while back home I got reports to do and I need to figure out that Surfer8 thingy too.The only great thing that happened was that on the second and last day, which was YESTERDAY, I went
to City Square with my mum. Bought some really cool stuffs, which includes this awesome
shirtdress,flip flops,the Body Shop Peppermint Cooling Foot Rescue Treatment and a fake Anya
Hindmarch bag. Had Caesar salad for lunch with my aunt at Coffee Bean. Aunt said that Coffee Bean
makes the best Caesar salad, I kind of agree with her.Finally, in the evening, went to airport. Flight at 8.50pm. Arrived in KLIA and that's when the REAL
adventure started. There was a looong queue for taxi so we decided to take the ERL to KL Sentral.
Upon arriving in Sentral, we discovered that the taxi service wasn't available. Tough luck. Took the
Putra to Jelatek instead. What a nightmare. The station is PACKED with people wanting to celebrate
Merdeka (can't they just stay at home???). In the train, ended up sitting next to these noisy mak
ciks...Arrrgh...headache2.Arrived at Jelatek station, we knew that there's no way we can take the shuttle bus, it's already
LATE. So walked to the main road, tagging along those heavy bags (my parents carried bags with
wheels, I had to carry the luggage WITHOUT the wheels). Waited for ages, and NO taxi would want to
stop and take us home. There's no other option--we walked.Yes!We walked! For,like,10kms??Or more I think.All the way from Jelatek,to Jln Ampang and
home.Really test my rectus femoris and tibialis and soleus and whatever muscle it is that we use to
walk (practically all the leg muscles,I assume) and I carried two bags on my shoulders. My shoulders
were KILLING me.I was wearing a 3-inch heels and luckily the flip flops I bought earlier saved the
day. Halfway home Dad asked if we wanted to stay at a taxi stand while he walked home alone and get
the car and fetch us. I was kinda pissed off already, and said no way, we'd walk, we've come a long
way already. So we walk, and walk and walk and it seemed like FOREVER till we finally got home. I had to thank Uniten for my good endurance level, coz during my foundation orientation week we had
to walk a lot(like from coit to our apartment) and when classes started, I got used to all the
walking (I walk to coe, BA, BD, KMC,I walk practically EVERYWHERE except to coit of course).I walked really fast, and was sweating like MAD but I didn't feel tired at all UNTIL I got home. My
parents were waaay behind me, like 10m away, but I don't care, I wanna get home FAST. It's kinda
scary though, walking alone, especially with guys on motorcycles hooting at me and stuffs. They
probably thought I'm a problemed teenager who had run away from home.Whatever it is, I'm happy and grateful that now me & my parents are home safely. And now I'm
thinking negative stuffs and what-ifs. What if some drunk driver drive off the road and hit us? What
if we stepped on a snake while walking through some brushes? Scaryyy right? We arrived home at
12.30am!P/S: I really did the right thing buying that Body Shop foot cream, considering what I had gone
through ;)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Glooomy day...
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I forgot to mention this in the last entry...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
A week's summary
This week is the last week before mid term break, and the busiest, most tiring and stressful week!
Had dynamics and geology tests on Monday. Didn't study dynamics at all(was more concerned about geology) and all the three questions that came out was about pulley. Serves me right for not studying.
Geology paper was a disaster too. 3 questions too, about rock cycle, Bowen series and geologic time. I have NO CLUE what to answer.
This week we did contouring for surveying. Takes up the entire 3 hours of the lab session. That's when I started to get tired all the time. Every night I only sleep for 6 hours (average human being need 8hours, I need 10!)
On Thursday evening, I had geology lab test for 4 hours! I've never taken any exam which takes 4 hours to complete! There were around 40++ mineral and rock samples that we had to memorize.
The next day, which is Friday, went to an engineering company in Setapak with my geology group regarding our project.
The next day,which is today, I'm lying sick in bed with a fever and cough =(
Isn't life great?
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Uncle's wedding
Also planned on not going to uncle's wedding. Geology is the reason too. But my cousin Jaja managed to pursuade me to go and then I agreed.
Then went home, I said, this time, I'm serious, I wanna study geo. But I ended up talking and taking pics with my cousins. Then Jaja & Lina went to De Palma Hotel, where they're staying and that's WHEN I started studying.
OK, that's it for today. I wanna study geo. FOR REAL.
Friday, August 17, 2007
DE test 1
And then, more equations in dynamics class. And even MORE problems during the DE replacement tutorial. Then I have,like,3 hours to study DE and then at 5.30pm....test 1!!!
Hmm..level of difficulty--moderate. But I've made one mistake, after checking wif Wani. That's just ONE question, I dunno about the other three. *Sigh*
After the test, had dinner wif my bf. Wanted to go to place where there's not many people we know, so decided to go to this restaurant in Bangi. Our first time. The food's quite good. I ordered fusilli mushroom (creamy sauce--errrkkk...fattening, but I don't really care now). Just our luck, the waiter there happened to be his classmate. So much for privacy.
Then went to Baskin Robins had my favourite ice cream, rainbow sherbet.
After that, I went home. Full house. Since it's my uncle's wedding today, there's aunts and cousins at home. More to come tomorrow. Huhu. I'm sleeping in my parents bedroom.
Monday, August 13, 2007
What a day
i) didn't draw the minor contour lines for the survey test.
ii)realized that my group had made a huuuge mistake in the surveying practical last week.
iii)realized I forgot to print the Autocad diagram I draw for the lab report.
iv)made lotsa other stupid mistakes which I've lost count of.
Came home, stressed and instead of studying DE for the test this Friday, I decided to have a loong, girly chat with my housemates, complaining about life and things like that. Feels great, coz I wasn't in the mood to solve DE tonight, I just need to TALK to someone. They're good listeners, and listened to me babbling nonstop and shared their experiences about how bad life can get. After,like, 4 hours of talking and talking, we finally stopped and I felt relieved a bit, being able to let go. It's been a long time since I've had this kind of chat with a female friend.
I'm so tired now,I wanna go to bed. Toodles!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Got my first quiz back!
Got back my first disastrous dynamic quiz. Sat at the back of the class, so was among the last to receive my paper. Was mortified, wondered how many people had seen my quiz. How embarassing. Thought I would get zero, coz I got the formula wrong to begin with. Suprisingly I got 5/10...but the worst part is I got the answer correct at first, then canceled it off and wrote the wrong answer!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The beginning of a stressful life
Friday, August 3, 2007
It's August already
-Malaysia's national day
-my dad's birthday(he's 48 this year)
-season of Test 1s
Bad day. Dynamics pop quiz first thing in the morning. Really messed it up. I hate pop quizzes. Was sulking like a lil kid, but then I met my bf and cheered up a little bit ;)
Went to Sg.Wang. Bought a 3/4 pants and thighs. Bought a packet of fruits too(the one that goes with a sweet n sour sauce). Then went home and discovered that I had spilled the sauce on the pants coz I put the packet in the same bag!What was I thinking??
I've found a temporary solution for a bad fringe...wear a hat!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
What a great weekend
Mission not accomplished as my dad is not a KLCC person, more of Sg.Wang kind of person. Haha. Things in KLCC aren't his taste(no size, colour not nice, no promoter to attend to him,too can be so picky sometimes).In the end, he only bought a powder and cologne at M&S.
As for me, I bought a bag at Dorothy Perkins(yeah,another one to add to my massive collection of bags at home). Looks nice at the store,but once I got home, it looks like a ghastly shade of silver. Huhu. The bag is futuristic-style, but the more I look at it, the more it looks like a freakish thing from outer space.
Bought a couple of t-shirts too. Now I know why I never wear half of the clothes in my closet. Because they don't look good on me. And why is that so?? Because I never try it on when I bought them. Today, I tried a couple of times the t-shirts I bought and I'm really satisfied with them. After this, I vow not to be lazy anymore and TRY CLOTHES BEFORE BUYING THEM!! Or else they'll end up being shipped to Johor as a part of my charity work (aka giving them to my cousins).
Besides that, bought some stationeries too. It's only the third week of class and I nearly finish one testpad. If I were to get through this semester, I need hundreds of them! Hahaha.
One more thing, I cut my fringe. The hairdresser was surprised that my hair grew so fast(she'd just cut my hair during the hols), so she cut my hair extra short. At first, I was like, whatever. Now I look kinda weird, with my supershort fringe! But I don't really care though. Long fringes might look good but I don't feel comfortable.
I prefer short fringe.
I can see clearly now the fringe is goneeee!!! (sing this like the Jimmy Cliff song).
Friday, July 27, 2007
TGIF (Thank God It's Friday)
One more thing to add to my wish list...the Angelica toy that comes free with McDonalds Happy Meal! I love Rugrats. (^_^)
Thursday, July 26, 2007
What I'm up to
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Had a brunch with Wani, Safiah, Wani's sister and her friends. Wani's sis asked her friends to guess what race am I, and they were debating about it just now. Hahaha. Wani gave a clue though, "Dia ni mix..."
Went to my room, planned to prepare for DE tutorial tomorrow, but then realized I've forgot all about trigonometric integrals and was too lazy to open the Calculus book.
Then decided to call home, to discuss about me going home this weekend. Mum got irritated when I called, coz she's watching her fav Indonesian sinetron (She has retired, and the show got 200++ episodes, so she's definitely not gonna miss them).
Sad at first,cuz I really wanna go home and no one can fetch me(and they won't let me use the public transport...hmmph!!) Luckily Yasser came to the rescue and said he can send me home.Heehee...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Finally I'm getting involved in activities...
Anyway, about gamelan. First practice was last night. We were taught how to read notes (basic ones) and those with a music background has an advantage. I played this instrument, dunno what it's called but looks like keyboard. Parts of the instruments are numbered with 1,2,3,5,6,i...all the other instruments are like that. After hitting a note, you have to hold the plate so it will not vibrate, or else it will create an echo.
After practicing the tempo and stuffs, we progressed to playing the instruments itself, following the music sheets provided. First try and I was amazed by the beautiful sound that came out. Well, not that beautiful. Sometimes the tempo not perfect, and at first I was a bit slow at reading the notes. Huhu. But still, the music I've heard all my life at weddings and events like that, now I'm playing it myself!
And the guy there told me that like guitar, these instruments has to be tuned, by tightening the screws on it.
Practice supposed to be from 8.30pm-9.30pm but we ended up finishing at 11pm. Hehe. My arms ached soo much from playing it nonstop.
Entering third week of class...
Now I got a longer internet cable, which means I can surf the Internet in the privacy of my own room! Btw, it's no longer a dungeon (but I will still call it dungeon, cool name!). Just now one of my housemates came inside my room and said it's much much cooler than the other room. Well, just my luck that my room is like a cave, shielded from the glaring sunlight. Seriously, sometimes I wake up really late and it's still dark and I thought it's raining or something. Then I went out and urrghh!! The hot sun shining into the living room.
Today was my first surveying lab. In the same group with Wani, Safiah, Kak Syahadah and Nora. Didn't enjoy it that much. Much prefer geology lab. Coz it's indoor and there's aircond and everything.
Have dynamics tutorial at 6pm. Really not in the mood to go, it's cloudy. Huhu. What a day. I don't enjoy surveying, I'm not looking forward to dynamics and DE class makes me worry. What course should I change to next?? Astronomy??Geography?
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Good news
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Cat who lives on my balcony
Buka puasa
Usually my family would go to Bkt Bintang area or KLCC. But nowadays the malls are packed(maybe due to overpopulation of KL...haha I dunno actually).So Great Eastern is the perfect place to go,coz not many people go there.
Anyway,now I'm addicted to Blow Pops(the mini version,without the stick).Now my tongue is blue.
Friday, July 20, 2007
What a funny degree!
Current mood: hungry!
Went to Great Eastern mall. Bought some files at MPH. Then went to Pets Wonderland. Saw this cute pink flea comb. Bought it for Coco.
Name: Coco (Malay version:Koko)
Nicknames:Coco Chanel :p, Koko Jelly, Koko Krunch, Coco Cute *barf*, Coconut!
Age:4months I think (human equivalent: 4 years old, has not started kindergarten yet!)
Fur: White,with brown fur on all four legs, ears,face and tail
Btw,I love the new & improved me article soo much that I'm gonna post it on my Friendster profile.
Sports Management Class
And guess what?I've been elected assistant director for the class. Some guys I dunno voted for me. Funny coz I've NEVER been elected for anything before(except for being class monitors during my primary schooldays).And I've never even been a class rep!
LIFE AFTER BEING LEFT(lol...what a title)
At the beginning of last sem, I was scared and alone. Gradually, I'm going through this transition phase. I've been doing things I've never got the chance to do before, it feels grrreat! I play tennis during my free time(err once only...but I think sports is a good substitute for karaoke!!), I've decided to join some activites and taken up sports this sem! Hahahaa...most funny thing is I'm elected assistant director for my sports class! These things will never happen if I'm stuck being the old Nana. Hehe, I'm sure my old friends will laugh when they hear this.
Got my life back on track now. The change isn't easy though,quite painful. I'm used to go out everyday,having fun with my friends,or lazying around at home,watching movies on our laptop. Now I realize there's MORE to life than these things.
Plus,I met lots of amazing new people too! Interesting people whom I never get the chance to meet or talk to if I'm still taking EE or stuck with one friend all the time. And I've made a very wise decision of not dropping Intro last sem! The class expands my social circle. And makes me brave too. The subject is tough, if your IQ level is the same as mine...hehe LOW!, plus it's a 4th sem subject and I hardly know anyone. And if can survive that class, I can survive going to any other classes after this (I don't know how long this motivated feeling will last...hahaha).
I'm having fun here. Sure, I'm not singing some stupid nursery-rhyme-like songs about biology, or acting in some rediculous play or flirting with guys who aren't "so sure"(which I think it's really saaad!). I have commitments now, serious ones (and karaoke or enjoying isn't one of them!) and I guess it's time to be an adult now. =)
Monday, July 16, 2007
2nd week of class...
Today is only Tuesday and I can't wait to get home. Not a good start of the week though. First thing before I went to class yesterday I had a problem of missing lens. Was in a hurry to go to class and I flicked my contacts off somewhere. Still haven't found it yet.Nevermind, my parents already sent me a new pair last night. But's money gone off just like that!!
Huhu.Homesickness again.Feels a familiar longing for KLCC, Great Eastern mall and all my favourite hang out places back at home *sigh*
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Home for the weekend
Friday, July 13, 2007
Back to School
Tried to apply for other rooms, to get out of the Dungeon but no luck so far. But that's ok.
I'm happy
Koko tried eating a dead lizard just now...gross!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Uncle's fiancee wore this gorgeous green dress.
More relatives came over to my house than yesterday.
Inevitably, when relatives see me, they always ask about exams and studies. Either that or, during engagements and weddings, they'll ask about boyfriend (Yes,that's right,family members only talk to me about exams and boyfriend.No other topics than that.Anyway that's OK. People mentioning Yasser is enough to make me smile :-)
I had to admit, my family weren't behaving that well just now. We were so loud! Hahaha. During the engagement ceremony,me and my aunts were busy talking and cracking jokes and laughing.Kinda rude actually, but fun. My aunt decided to forget her diet for one day and enjoy the food served by the family. I'm not on a strict diet,so I had one helping of briyani, 2 pieces of chicken, poppadoms etc etc.
The family (of Javanese heritage) served this...I dunno what to call it. It's round and flat,almost like a pancake and when I called it UFO, my aunt laughed nonstop.
Sorry no pictures.I've been busy, washing the dishes,exchanging e-mails for Friendster and MySpace with cousins and stuffs like that.
What a tiring day. And tomorrow marks the beginning of year 2, semester 1. Tonight I'm going back to my apartment aka The Dungeon and I can say goodbye to my amazing life right now (glorious food, being able to watch TV and surf the Internet and read magazines without feeling guilty of how much time I've wasted doing nothing, being able to go to the mall 3 times a week etc etc). And I can say hello to the simple life (study, exams, quizzes, instant food...)
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Preparation for Uncle's Engagement Part II
Durian fever at my house right now.
During family reunions like this, these 3 things happen:
1)Grandma brought some fruits from Muar. House is full of mangosteens (my fav!!!), dragonfruit, rambutans and errk...durians!
2)Dad will eat rice with durians (He seldom eats this, only during times like this when there is ample supply of durians)
3)I will have to listen to grandma reminding me from time to time on how delicious durians are and how unlucky I am for not liking them. (As if not eating durians is the biggest loss ever!)
Frankly, I think there are more scrumptious food besides durian (Refer to my favourite food list).
Today I also checked into my apartment. I'm not being ungrateful, but during my two years of study here, this is my worst room so far.I got the last room,the one at the back of the apartment. It's dark and gloomy and dirty and looks more like a prison.Previously, I've gotten the room near the entrance,usually this kind of room comes with a great view (semester 1:view of the lake, semester 2:view of the opposite apartment). Now the view is the balcony where we'll be hanging our clothes.
The room needs to be decorated. I'm gonna bring in my pink study lamp, coz the lighting's very poor. And maybe some cool posters to cover up the hideous wall. The previous student pasted a Revlon and Sony Vaio ad and I'm gonna take them off, my buletin isn't a billboard ok!
Anyway, nothing to say about the engagement preparation. These days people just buy the trays, the fabrics covering them and the gifts. The fabrics are gorgeous enough, so old ladies won't have to decorate them or anything, they're ready made. Didn't join the ladies arraging the gifts. I just sat on the couch, eat lots and lots of mangosteen(grandma says I better eat it now or else I won't have a chance since I'm going back to Torture Chamber University tomorrow) and sometimes eavesdropping on their gossips.
P/S:Can't stand it. This house smells like durians and when people burp, the smell is stronger than ever!!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Preparation for Uncle's Engagement Part I
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Six days till new semester begins :-(
First floor :-)
Single sharing, no roomate...neither :-) or :-(
I just can't waaait for the next 3 months holiday again!!!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Coco the Cat (or Koko the Kat)
Anyway, Koko is on diet now (vet’s advice). Her bowel system is weak and she can’t eat so much, or else she’ll purge a lot…and watery too. Gross! This kitty is quite a big eater, so when I gave her less food that usual, she climbed on top of her cage, where I kept her food and tried to open the plastic! Smart cat.
As for myself, I've quit all these crazy diets. I've lost a couple of kg(and skinnier when I was sick!) and even though I still haven't achieved my desired figure, I think I'll just keep fit by regular exercise. Today, I ate chicken lasagna and Coke(regular Coke,not the diet one!) .
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Retail therapy
I guess Koko loves shopping too. When I came home with lotsa shopping bags, she jumped straight at me and check through those bags. When I took out my purchases, she jumped excitedly and it's like as if she thought I bought those for her. I hid my new clothes, but she knows exactly where I hide it and aimed for it.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Almost the end of holidays
And I'm more depressed than ever.
Btw,got a new Siamese kitten named Coco (it has brown patches on its body).
Female. Around 3-4 months. Playful. With lotsa fleas.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Fever =(
Well,no, sickbed actually.
Not feeling well since Monday.
Fever, vomitting, coughing,headache etc etc. This is terrible.
It's hard to sleep at night,due to the coughing.
It's been a week now, dunno how long will this go on. Hope it ends soon.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Have you ever felt pissed off, depressed, worried but you can't tell anyone about it?
First time I went to Sogo in 3 years!
Friday, June 15, 2007
More updates on Bob...and me
Thursday, June 14, 2007
What a tiring day...
Woke up, had half-boiled eggs for breakfast and the all set to work,work,work.
As usual,mopped the floor,folding clothes,clean the cat's litter,iron a bunch of clothes,laundry and today an extra task--painting the entire staircase with coloured varnish!
No skills in painting, but well...practice makes perfect.After some time,i notice that if you hold the brush at right angle, and controlled movement of the brush, the gloss will blend in nicely.
First try--i messed up the first two steps of the stairs. Then with the help of thinner--i redo it again.
This stinks.i nearly puked at the smell of thinner and varnish.
I'm on a break right now. after this,more tasks--arrange stuffs,sweep the floor,mop upstairs,made lots and lots of sandwiches coz tomorrow morning Dad's having a party at his office,give kitty a shower...aaargh.Oh and later i need to figure out what this pain at my left hip joint is all about.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
2nd day of being Chef Nana
Saturday, June 9, 2007
About Bob & me...
Bob is starting to look like a sphinx. She's losing her hair, is getting skinnier. When she looks up at me, she looks EXACTLY like a sphinx(the skinny hairless cat). Eyes pop out and shrunken face. Sooo NOT cute!
Her fur looks dull, she vomitted some white icky stuff. Should start giving her vitamins again.
Since my uncle's here today, mum had to prepare the usual food that my grandma always serve. She made ME do it. So today, I cooked, mopped the floor, set the table, cleaned the house and everything. Mum helped me with the gulai daun kesum though. The chap chye and rice, I made them myself, ON MY OWN.Huhu.Tired. Anyway, my uncle said that my cooking is delicious =D
OK,this is all for now. I dunno what is Bob's problem but she's meowing nonstop at me and pulling off the phone line. Guess she doesn't want me to surf the Internet too much.Gotta go.Bye.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Firsts & Favourites
Never had a surgery before.
First piercing
10 years old,at this jewellery shop in Bkt Bintang. Was a nervous wreck.
First best friend
Ermm...standard 1.
First award
Kindergarten ‘graduation’...hahaha
First Sport You Joined
Tennis...hopeless at it.
First pet
A kitten named Mickey.After Mickey Mouse.Orange fur.He died.I was 7 years old that time.Cried the whole day at school.And people were being extra nice to me,like offering me candy and stuff, coz my cat died.
First vacation
First Concert
My kindergarten concert. I dressed up as a fairy ;)
First love
Yasser ;-)
Favorite movie
Lots! Mostly movies I watched with my Loved One =)
Favorite tv show
I’m glued to the tv now that Astro has 9 new channels, and my fav is E! Loves watching da 101 Favourite Stars Way Back When
Green and pink
Ct =D, Bee Gees, Rossa, Air Supply, Alanis Morisette,Goo Goo Dolls, Green Day, Liz Phair
Diet Coke,Jasmine tea
Body part not on the face feet? Haha. V important. To walk, go shopping etc.
Cartoon Bratz
Favorite piece of clothing
A nice skirt
Brand Of Clothing
No particular favourite brand
What do you sleep with
A giraffe, a cat plus 3 more kittens now that I’ve cleaned my room. My bed is like a zoo. Or Cat Centre.Haha.
Favorite School
Uniten. (Can I consider it as school?) Like it for one reason only—I don’t have to wear uniform.
Favorite Animal(s)
Cats, koala bears, tiger
Favorite Book
Calculus textbook. Hahaha. I read it for HOURS, just to understand one chapter. Plus, it helped me to pass Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III and Advanced Calculus too. Thank u, Swokowski. (Did I get his name right?)
Favorite Magazine
None. These days fashion mags is full of ads, tells u to buy a really really expensive handbag to look good and influences you that if you don’t look like a Hollywood star, you’re ugly. No wonder I have such a low self-esteem. Been reading those junks for YEARS.
Fave number = no of true friends??
"The Ugly Reds"?
Monday, June 4, 2007
Rainy days
a)watch tv
Astro has weak satellite signals when it rains.
b)listen to radio
c)surf the Internet
Lightning struck and I lost focus and I totally lost count of how many reps I've done.
I can't do almost everything.
What I can do is:
a)snuggle under the blanket and sleeeep
b)stuff my face coz cold weather makes u hungrier than usual.